Part 16

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POV Breanna

Having all those new things makes me so happy. I wish I had stepped out of the bad relationship before. I sit in the car with Austin and Walker. They are telling eachother bad jokes. Some are so bad they make me smile. I feel giddy with all the stuff in the cars. I am feeling like it is Christmas already but Halloween comes first. The leaves are starting to turn all shades yellow, orange, red and browns. I love this season so much. The only thing I don't like is it being cold. Where I am now is colder than what I am used too. The guys made sure I got plenty of sweaters and warm nightwear to wear. I am lost in my own thoughts that I had not noticed Austin looking at me.

"Huh? What did you say? I am sorry."

"You looked like you were miles away, Sunshine."

"I know, I was thinking about the seasons changing. I love the fall colors. The rich colors of fall make me happy." I smile I hope reassuring that I am okay. After we get home Ryder and Austing are assisting me putting the stuff away in the closet. I know that Houston probably will change the arrangements soon. He likes order and control. Being so close to the guys I start to know their strong points and their weaknesses. What one lacks is picked up by the next. I respect them for that. A well oiled machine couldn't work better I'd say. 

My phone dings and I have no clue where it is when Ryder is holding it out to me. "Thank you" I say as I take it checking the message. "It is a message from Mark, the realtor saying there is someone coming to check out the house and that is seems promising."

"It's nice of him to keep you updated on it" Austin comments. I nod my agreement. "Well that is the last of the bags. Everything put away for now." It actually takes all of the closet space I got and then some. 

Austin playfully hits my but "Well Sunshine, come with me for a walk please?"

I take his hand and let him escort me. He pulls on my new coat and closes it for me. "You do know that I can actually do that myself right?" 

"Sure I do, but I like to do it." He smiles and opens the door. It starts to get colder outside. Not really strange since it is halfway October and the nights start to get chilly. Marshall, Houston and Cameron are at the fire pit. As I get closer I feel the warmth hitting me like a warm blanket. It's like a cocoon. So this is how it feels like? To be loved. I stare in the flames thinking about the times I burned my clothes. Well no more of that I think to myself. I feel a tear slip away. I rub at my cheeks hoping the guys didn't notice. As Marshall wraps his arms around me I know it was because he noticed. 

How is it that my every move is always noticed? I still do not understand but love the way they make me feel. I lean into his hug and simply look at the fire. Letting my emotions go and silently sob. I do not like to show what I feel. I am not very vocal about it but these guys know with one look what I need. No words necessary. 

As I let the warmth of the hug and the fire hit me I start to feel sleepy. It's been a long day. I climb into Marshalls lap and lean into his strong arms knowing he will keep me from being hurt. They all willl

POV Marshall

I look at the pretty woman in my lap. She is sound asleep. The guys and I talk about the day. 

"Well it is nice to see she is starting to trust us with personal things. It took some time and patience. We need to keep it up. Also I know none of us has had sex with her. I would like to have her blood checked before we do anything like that. Let her set the pace. We know some snippets of her past. I still wanna know if the guy is actually dead." Houston lets out a frustrated sigh. 

"I can ask her about a bloodtest tomorrow. I need to get her physical anyway. Might as well do that". Houston looks towards Cameron and nods his agreement.

"Well Marshall looks like she is really comfy there. Need any help getting her inside? It's getting too cold outside." I see that the fire is nearly all just cinders. Well shoot, I was so busy with Zephyr in my lap I forgot to put more wood to keep it going. I grunt, "No help needed. I can manage." I look down at her. I never felt warm and fuzzy about a woman before but she has got me wrapped around her little finger in no time at all. I slowly get up and walk towards the house. Walker opens the door so I have easy access. 

I walk up to her room. I take her to the bed. I get her out of her coat. Take off her shoes, socks and after that I take off her shirt and skirt. She is wearing a beautiful black laced bra. I nearly moan at the sight of it but I know that I simply want to get her into pj's. So I focus on that. After I changed her I get her comfortable in the bed. I quickly pull off my clothes and am standing in my boxers. Somehow she gets a hold of my wrist in her sleep. It's locked tight. I try to get loose but I do not wanna wake her. 

Well shit now what? Brilliant, fucking brilliant. Only one option and that is to get in the bed next to her. So that's what I do. Holding her. Making sure she is safe. That is why we were interested in the way the others teams solved this problem. The Anderson team we knew already from working together at times and was something we talked about. Our work for the academy would mean to either date within the academy which was no option since we did not wanna split up. Dating outside the academy was the other solution but it had not worked out. After seeing them in action I knew that this was the perfect way. You would get a girl and not worry sick if you were not there.

I trusted my brothers. I also am so happy she agreed to date us all. I am thinking of a nice date. I have trouble sleeping every night but not this night. I am exhausted so I feel myself drift to sleep easily. I dream of a beautiful angel that has Breanna's face. Her voice soft and sweet.


In the morning I wake up, disorientated. I notice that Zephyr is still deep a sleep wrapped around me like a boa constrictor. Her legs are twisted around mine and her head is on my bicep. Her right arm is across my chest and her left arm is in between us holding my arm in it's place. I chuckle at the position. She must of felt that because she is waking up.

"Goodmorning" she says. I wait for it because I know she is not fully awake yet. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. How did this happen. I am so sorry" she says. Yep fully awake now.

"Well last night you fell asleep on my lap and I carried you here. I also changed you and all. I wanted to go but you held a tight grip at my wrist and I couldn't get you to let it go."

She looks at her hand and sees she is still holding my arm. Quickly she lets go. "I am sorry." Starting to apologize. I come closer to her and give her a quick kiss to get her to be silent. "I am not complaining " I grin. In shock she touches her lips. Looks at me again and comes closer, hesitant at first. She kisses me now. Oh Lord, I think I am in heaven. She licks at my lips and I open up and she lets her tonque slide in my mouth. I moan at the feeling. I love this girl till the end of time. I know it. I might be Mr Grumpy Bear for all I care but I will love her like there is no tomorrow and will show it to her every day. I deepen the kiss and love the feeling of her body close to mine. I let her feel just how excited it makes me.

"Better get up and eat breakfast. Otherwise it is hard for me to stop, Zephyr."

Reluctantly I let her go and watch as she heads to the bathroom. Get a grip Marshall I scold myself. She is just so beautiful and doesn't know it. 



Well after what feels like forever here is an update. Hope you like it. Vote, comment. It makes me happy.

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