Chapter 2 ~ Where was Roger

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Today a short vacation began and there was still no sign of Roger. Michelle called Sam and Isabella to hang out. 'Hey Isabella, you wanna come over? I made brownies.' Isabella said she comes in like 20 minutes. After she called Isabella she called Sam. 'Hey babe, wanna come over? I made brownies.' Sam yelled:' I'M COMING OVER! I LOVE BROWNIES!'

20 minutes later her doorbell rang. 'Heyyyyyy Isabella, come in. Sam is on the couch, if you want you can call Oscar to come over here?' Michelle asked Isabella. 'Nah, I'm good.' Michelle and Isabella walked into the livingroom while Sam was eating all the brownies. 'SAMMMMM!!! Those brownies are for all of us, damn you!' Sam looked up at her with a little smile while his mouth is still full of brownies. 'Sowwy.' He said.

The 3 of them were watching a horror movie when Sam got a phone call. 'Hello? Who is this?' Sam asked.        ~Sam? Is that you? Can you pick me up?        'Roger? Where are you dude??'        ~I'm at school man, please pick me up?        Michelle and Isabella looked at him with a questioning face. 'Sorry, I have to go babe, that was Roger. I have to pick him up, he is at school.' and with that Sam left. 'Wow, he's no fun.' Isabella said. 'Yeah, but he was shocked, you could see that in his face.' Michelle answerd.

When Sam drove to school he saw a guy standing near 3 trees. He pulled over and rolled down the window. 'Hello?' He said. 'Sam? Oh thank god!' The guy said. He opened the car door and got in. 'Roger? Where were you?' Sam asked. 'I.. I was in a sort of warehouse or something. After school last week some guy came up to me bacause he needed help with his car, so I walked with him to his car.' Roger stopped  for a second. 'But when I was at his car he threw me in there and drove to that warehouse.' Sam looked at Roger, he was shocked. 'Damn Roger, you should call the police about that.' He said. The 2 of them drove back to Michelle's house and told the whole story.

'Do you want to stay for the night, Roger?' Sam asked. 'Y..Yeah.' He answerd. Sam walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth when he saw a figure standing in his hallway. 'Hello? Who are you and what are you doing in my house?' He asked to the weird figure. 'I want Roger!' The figure yelled and dissapeared. Sam looked around. *Who the heck was that?!* He thought. Calmly he walked back to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Roger walked in and asked who he was talking to 2 minutes ago. 'There was this weird figure in the hallway saying that he wants you.' Sam answerd. Roger looked at Sam with an open mouth and big eyes. 'I...I guess that was the same guy from the car thing.' He said. When they put on the tap, blood came out. The guys were so shocked that they called the police.

The next morning they had a talk with their friends about this. 'So, that guy who took Roger was in your house Sam?' Felix asked. Sam nodded. 'Yeah.' He said. Isabella was shocked about the story they've just told. 'Okay guys, calm down. Maybe you should all move in to my house, it's the biggest and has enough rooms for all of us.' Michelle said. 'Just until this is all over.'

So the day after that, everyone came to Michelle's house with their stuff. 'Okay guys listen up, I've made a room planning. There are 15 rooms and 16 people. So room number 1 is for Kenny. Room number 2 is for Mason. Room number 3 is for Felix. Room number 4 is for Roy. Room number 5 is for Fay. Room number 6 is for Roger. Room number 7 is for Patrick. Room number 8 is for Sam. Room number 9 is for Eliz. Room number 10 is for me and Isabella. Room number 11 is for Leeroy. Room number 12 is for Erik. Room number 13 is for Oscar. Room number 14 is for Marcel and room number 15 is for Sharissa.' Michelle hands everyone their room key. One after another walks inside and goes straight upstairs to furnish their rooms.

After they're all done, they go downstairs to drink and snack something. 'So, how did you get this house for yourself Michelle?' Erik asked. 'Both our parents died and left the house to me. It's a little too big but I'm glad I live here.' She answered. They all sat in the livingroom when the doorbell rang. Michelle stood up and walked to the front door. When she opened it, there was nobody but a little package. She took it inside and sat back down. Everyone looked at her. 'Well, open it.' Roy said. So Michelle opened the little package. Everyone gasps and looks with wide eyes. 'Are those.... Real brains?' Fay asked. Michelle nods. 'Call the police, now!' Michelle yelled. So Mason calls the police. 5 minutes later the police arrives at their house. 'Ma'am, I need that package please.' The officer said. Michelle handed him the package.

'OMG!' Marcel yells. 'What is it?' Sharissa asks. 'I forgot my phone at home.' He answerd. Marcel ran outside and got in his car. 'Wow, his phone is probably more important than this situation.' Eliz said. Fay and Kenny were talking about those brains they've got. 'That was so disgusting! Who would send brains to us?' Fay said nearly angry. 'I thought it was pretty cool, yet so disturbing.' Kenny answerd. Michelle and Mason were also talking, but not about the brains. Michelle liked Sam so much that she wants to plan a suprise party for his birthday next week. 'What do you have in mind for his birthday, Michelle?' Mason asked. 'I think it would be fun to go paintballing with all of us.' She answerd. Mason looked so happy, because someone knew what Sam really liked to do.

From this day on, the whole crew lived in Michelle's house. Nobody got a weird phone call or text message. But still got stalked somehow.

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