Chapter 16 ~ Michelle the nightmare.

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He turned on the camera and made sure Sam was in frame. "They'll know what happens to you, but they won't save you." Ron said. Sam started to hyperventilate. "You got yourself into this." He said. Ron walked towards a door behind Sam and went into that room. He turned on the computer and started to livestream to the tv in the house of Michelle.

Before Marcel could turn of the tv, another picture showed. This time it was of Sam. "Michelle..." Marcel said. She turned around and saw the picture. She then stormed out of the livingroom, going upstairs into Sam's room. "Okay Sam, tell me where you are." She looked around and found a note.     Michelle, if you read this, I love you. I know you will find me, you always do. Love, Sam.       Michelle takes the note to her room and scans it. All the info (fingerprints, when it was written and where it was written) shows on her laptop. "Weird. It was written in an abandoned house, in the woods near our house." She also saw that Sam's fingerprints weren't even there! "He didn't write it himself?" She asked. The note was written this morning around 5 AM. "Who would write something in his handwriting?"

"Your 'friends' will see everything that I'll be doing." Ron said.

"MICHELLE!" Isabella yelled. Michelle ran downstairs and saw something that made her furious. It was a video of Sam tied to a chair with a table next to him. "Marcel, is this now?" She asked. Marcel typed something in and looked at Michelle, he nodded. "I have a plan." She said while walking out the door. "Where is she going?" Hope asked. No one knew.

Michelle got in her car and went to the house of Sam's parents. She had the note with her. When she arrived, she knocked on the door. "Hello Michelle, come in!" His mom said. She sat down on the couch with his mother and father. "I have bad news..." Michelle said. "Sam has been kidnapped and we don't know where he is." She continued. His mother was in total shock and his father tried to comfort her. "But who would do this to our Sammy?" His dad said. Michelle took out the note and showed it to them. "Maybe you can tell me. Do you recognize this handwriting? It wasn't Sam's." Michelle said. Sam's mom and dad looked at the note. "Oh dear God, please help us..." Said the mom. "This... This isn't his handwriting..." His dad stood up and got something out of a drawer. He sat back down and gave it to Michelle. "Please, find our Sammy." He said. She took the paper. "I will, I promise."

He picked up the knife and slowly started to make a cut on Sam's arm. "This will be a slow death!" Ron said. Sam screamed in pain. He made a few more cuts. Sam almost fainted. He screamed again. "Scream what you want, no one will hear you!" Ron yelled in his face.

Everyone looked so shocked, why do this to Sam? A sweet and caring person. "Come on Michelle! You had a plan, show us!" Leeroy yelled while throwing a lamp across the room. No one knew Leeroy could be that agressive. Before anyone could say something, Michelle stormed in. "Michelle! Or you're gonna tell us what your plan is or I'm leaving." Leeroy said. Michelle sat down and told that she went to his parents' house. She told them that she promised his parents to get Sam back safe. "What's the plan?" Lucy asked.

Sam could barely keep his head up. The camera was still going. When is this going to end?

He picked up the gun and walked towards Sam. "What do you wanna do? Russian Roulette? Or should I just shoot you?" Ron asked. Sam screamed and shook his head. "No?" He asked with a smile on his face. He put the gun back on the table and picked up the needle instead. "This is heroine. You'll be tripping for about an hour." He injected it in Sam's arm.

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