Chapter 11 ~ The horror!

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He woke up covered in sweat, eyes wide open. "Calm down Mason! It's okay, you're safe." Said Kenny. Mason looked at Kenny and said: "Why do I keep getting nightmares about him?" "I don't know buddy. I don't know."

Everyone was in the dining room eating breakfast. "So, what are we planning to do today?" Felix asked. "I don't know, why don't we go to the zoo?" Hope answered. "Yeah! Let's go to the zoo!" Said Eliz. Michelle and Sam were cuddling on the couch with Murphy next to them. Isabella and Oscar played video games together on the computer. "Oh no you didn't!" Isabella screamed. "Oh sweety I did." Oscar said while smiling. Isabella turned around and looked fake angry at him. They played another game. Murphy started to bark really loudly. The doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" Fay asked. Lucy went to open the door. "Who are you?" She asked to the man standing at the door. "I'm doctor Evan Jucabba." Mason heard that the doctor was at the door so he ran to the door. "Doctor!" He yelled. "Hello Mason, I'm glad to see that you look better than before." Lucy looked at Mason. "What is he talking about?" Mason and the doctor looked at each other. "I helped him escape the basement.." Lucy's eyes widened. "Ohh.. So you're also the guy that helped Black Mask?" The doctor looked down. "Yeah.." He aswered. "Well you did help him to escape so I like ya." She said.

Everything was packed, food and drinks. "Let's go!" Michelle yelled. They all walked to their cars and drove to the local zoo. Whe they arrived they parked their cars and walked to the gate. "Ah, the zoo. *Hyper Zoo*. It looks so different than 10 years ago, doesn't it?" Roger said. They walked through the gate. "What do wanna see first? The giraffes?" Kenny asked. "YESSS!" Roy yelled and ran towards the giraffes. "He is happy to be here hahaha." Said Kenny.

After a whole day in the zoo, they decided to go eat somewhere. "This was a fun day, I really enjoyed it." Erik said. "It was. It really was. We should do this more often." Patrick said. They ate some fried chicken. "Are we all finished eating?" Michelle asked. "Let's go home." She continued.

He looked around, pushing things away. "Where the fuck is he!" Black Mask yelled in anger. "If Evan helped him I will kill him!" Todd got so angry that he hit the concrete wall and broke his wrist. "AHH GOD DAMNIT!!" He walked away, planning a big thing. When he reached the top floor he saw an arm covered in blood. "Wha is this?" He walked towards the arm and recognized the watch. "Oh shit! It's Mason's arm?" He took the arm and ran to the attic to hide the arm. "I'm going to kill him! He killed my experiment!" He started to make a plan on revenge.

The next day they planned to go to the school to look around. They jumped in their cars and drove there. "I'm not feeling comfortable going back." Mason said. "Keep calm Mason, it's going to be fine." Roy tried to comfort Mason a litte bit. "I will not leave your side, okay?" Roy continued. Mason smiled and nodded. They arrived at the school and parked their cars. They walked into the school and looked around the canteen first. "Jeez! This looks so damn creepy!" Said Sam. Leeroy, Eliz and Roger walked into the principals office, or at least what was still there of the office. "This school is no longer a school, it's like.... A haunted house." Leeroy said. "I agree. It doesn't look like a school anymore." Eliz answered.

Oscar, Michelle, Sam and Isabella looked around in the biggest classroom; The art classroom. "Look! Remeber we made that for Miss Bellamy?" Said Michelle to Isabella. "Yeah, she was so happy we made that for her! It's a shame that it's hanging here in this dump." Isabella answered. They walked towards the desk of Miss Bellamy. Giant spiders start to crawl out of the wall next to them. "OH FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!" Isabella screamed. "What the actual fuck! Where do they come from??? There isn't even a hole in the wall!" Sam yelled. The four of them ran out of the classroom. "Oh my gosh! I'm not going back in that classroom!" Said Oscar. Roy, Mason, Hope, Dylon and Lucy were in the bathrooms. "Hey, guys come look at this." Lucy said. "There's something odd about these mirrors." She continued. Dylon, Roy and Hope looked at the mirrors, until something happened. There was a woman in all white standing on the other side of the mirror. "Ah crap!" Mason yelled. "WTF! How is that even possible?" Dylon asked. The woman just stood there, looking at them. She slowly walked towards them. "Can you guys see her face?" Hope asked. "No..." Lucy answered. The woman started to run towards them and then yelled: "GET OUT! GET OUT! LEAVE THIS GRAVEYARD!" They ran out of the bathrooms. "What was that woman talking about?! Graveyard???" Dylon asked. Roy took out his Phone and looked something up. "This school is build on a graveyard.." He said.

He slowly walked down the stairs, holding his wrist. "How is it possible that I hear someone talking." Todd said to himself. He walked further down the stairs and saw Mason standing there. "How in the world.." He said to himself. He ran down the stairs towards Mason, but saw that the whole group was there. "Well well, if that isn't my experiment." He said. They all turned around and saw an injured Black Mask. "You came back." He continued. "I didn't come back for you asshole!" Mason yelled. "Shut up!" Todd yelled back at him. "FUCK YOU!" Roger yelled. "Leave us the hell alone!" Michelle said. Everyone walked past him and jumped into their cars. "How are they not scared?" He asked himself. "Is it because they know it's me?"

They arrived at their house again. "Fuck this!" Eliz yelled. "This was one hell of a day." Isabella said. Out of nowhere there was a horrifying scream. "What the!" Roger yelled. Everyone went to look where it came from. They looked everywhere but found nothing. "Where did that come from?" Fay asked. "I have no idea." Dylon answered. It was around 2 PM so they had some hours left to do some things around the house. "Okay, Kenny, Roger, Leeroy, Mason, Patrick and I go upstairs and clean the bedrooms." Marcel said. They walked upstairs. "Erik, Felix, Sam, Oscar, Roy and I go outside and clean up the mess from the bonfire." Eliz said. They went outside. "Isabella, Fay, Sharissa, Hope, Dylon, Lucy and I are going to clean up the dining room and living room." Michelle said. They went into the dining room. "What about the kitchen?" Lucy asked. "Are there dishes?" Michelle asked. "Nope." Lucy answered. "Then the kitchen is clean enough for me." Michelle answered. "Okay." Answered Lucy.

He sat down and thought, thought about what just happened. "I want them to be scared, they deserve it." He said  to himself. "I will make you proud dad." Said Todd, looking up to the sky.  "I promise."

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