Chapter 9 ~ Black Mask's revenge

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She looked at Marcel and gave him a little smile and nodded. She walked away towards the bathroom. Marcel just sat there, staring at his phone.

Mason stared at him, stood up and said: "I don't have to dream on about it, they're looking for me!" Todd looked at Mason like he saw a ghost. "How dare you to speak at me with that tone!" Todd yelled. 'Sit your bloody ass down and shut your mouth.' He walked out of the room and locked the door. Mason sat down on the chair and took the old newspaper. Halfway through the story he began to panic, his father went missing 5 years ago and he still hasn't been found. 'Oh my god...' He said to himself.

Isabella came back with some shocking news. 'Guys...I took a good look at the blood on the pillow, and it's from Mason.' Everyone stood there in shock. 'But, I also found something that isn't from Mason. Hair, it is the hair from.... Todd, or do I say Black Mask .' Michelle and Patrick walked into the kitchen. Patrick looked through the window and saw someone staring at him. 'Bloody hell!' he screamed. Michelle turned around and saw the damn hobo again. 'GOD DAMNIT!' she said annoyed. Michelle walked outside, gave the hobo an evil look and yelled: "Get away from my property.' The man looked at her and asked: "Can I please get a sandwich or something like that? I had nothing to eat for almost 3 days." Michelle walked inside and got a banana and a can of soup. When she walked back to the man, he had the biggest smile on his face. 'Thank you so much Michelle!' and with that he took off. When she was back inside she asked: " How did that guy know my name?' Patrick looked at her with a face that is impossible to describe.

'W-what if I sit here for the rest of my life? They'll find me right? They found Marcel...' Mason said to himself. He walked into the corner where his bed was, and went to sleep. 'Maybe it will be a better day tomorrow...' He went to sleep. The next morning, Mason woke up and someone sat next to him. 'Morning.' The person said. Mason was shocked because he didn't recognize the voice. He slowly sat straight and looked at the person. 'Who are you?' He asked. The person laughed quietly. 'My name is doctor Evan Jucabba. I'm here to do some tests on you. Now if you can please stand up.' He said while standing up himself. 'What kind of tests?' Mason asked.

'What was Todd doing here?' Eliz asked. Then it hit her. 'Oh my god..... I feel so stupid!!' she screamed. Marcel walked towards Eliz and gave her a big bear hug. 'It's okay sweety... It's okay.' Felix and Roy walked upstairs when Roy found a note. *Guys, I know you will find me... Please hurry! he's doing weird things.* 'Felix!!' He yelled. Felix ran towards Roy and took the note. ' Oh my goodness. Go downstairs with the note, I'll be right there.' Felix gave Roy the note back and walked into his room. Roy ran downstairs and gave Michelle the note. She read it outloud to everyone. When she was done someone knocked on the front door. Isabella opened the door and saw...

'Just stand up!' The doctor yelled. 'No...' Mason answered. The doctor looked at him and just walked away. Mason exhaled deeply. 'What do you mean he said no?' Todd asked. 'He just said no...' Doctor Evan Jucabba answered. Todd was furious when he walked towards Mason's room. 'Stand the fuck up you moron!' He yelled when he walked inside the room. Mason was shocked. 'I...I just wanted to know what kind of tests he was talking about.' Mason said. 'We want to do some tests with blood, your blood. But for that we need it first.' Todd said while tapping his finger on the chair. Mason slowly sat down on the chair and just let it all happen. The doctor came into the room with a needle. 'Sit still.' He said.

' Hello Mister Sunfield. What are you doing here?' Isabella asked politely. 'I'm here for my son Felix.' He answerd. Isabella let Mister Sunfield in and said: "Wait here please, I'll get Felix.' Mister Sunfield sat down and looked around him. 'Felix, your dad is waiting downstairs.' Isabella and Felix walked downstairs. Felix sat down next to his father and Isabella left the room. 'Dad, what are you doing here?' He asked. 'I heard you were in the hospital a few weeks ago, your mother and I are worried about your health, son.' His father said. Felix looked at him. ' Dad, I'm okay. I really am. Trust me, I'm fine.' His father looked at his hands and stood up. 'Promise me you'll call us when something is wrong okay?' He looked at Felix and raised one eyebrow. 'I promise dad. Oh and give mom a big hug and a kiss from me.' Felix yelled after his father as he walked towards his car.

'I think we're done here.' Doctor Evan said. He walked out of the room and into another one. 'W-what is he going to do with my blood?' Mason asked. 'Don't worry about that.' Todd said as he walked out of the room and locked the door. Mason let out a deep breath. 'Come on guys... Help me...' He said to himself. 'So, what do you need to know?' The doctor asked. 'Bloodtype, if he has something contageous and ofcourse what can we do to make him go to sleep. Forever!' Todd answered. The doctor was a little shocked when Todd said that.

Felix walked into his room and sat down on his bed. He took a picture out of his pocket, a picture of him and Mason. 'I'll find you...' He whispered. In the kitchen were Michelle, Fay, Sharissa,Eliz, Hope, Lucy and Isabella busy cooking. Roger walked into the kitchen and said: "Are we just going to ignore that Mason is missing? Why aren't we doing something?' Isabella dropped the spoon she was using for the soup and stared at Roger. 'Roger, What are you talking about? I understand that you think that, but we aren't ignoring it at all! We just need to take some time to think of a solution first!' Isabella picked up the spoon and started to stir in the soup. Roger sat down at the dining table and took out his phone. He dialed a number and brought the phone to his ear. 'Hello? Yes, is this doctor Evan Jucabba? Yes hello, I eh I have a question. Mason is one of your clients right? Yes, did he stop by this week? No? Okay, well if you hear from him, please let me know okay? Okay, bye.'

'That was one of his friends... He asked if I saw Mason in the past few days.' The doctor said.
Todd looked at him in a way that creeped the doctor out. 'So, what did you tell him?' He asked. 'I told him I haven't seen Mason in a while.' The doctor answered. Todd gave the doctor a little smile and walked away. The doctor started to  run some tests on Mason's blood. After an hour he was finally done. He stood up and walked into Todd's secret room. 'His blood is fine, there is nothing wrong with it.' He said to Todd. 'Good. Now lets put that blood away and get some rest, I'm pretty tired.' Todd said. The two of them walked out  of the room and  went to their own bed rooms.

Everyone  was out of their beds at 10 AM. Michelle and Sam went  running together and Isabella and Roger had a talk. 'We'll find a way Roger, you know that.' Isabella said to him. 'I know... I'm just really worried that when we find him, he won't be himself anymore.'  Roger looked at the picture of him and Mason and put it down on the table. Isabella took the picture and looked at it. 'Wait a second! His earring, it's not  blue like the other one... I'll be right back okay?' She said as she walked towards their working area. Roger sat at the table and turned the tv  on.   Isabella opened her laptop and opened  her finding programme. She typed Mason's full name in. 'Mason Hikeman.' She said as she typed. The programme  found Mason's current location right away. 'Oh shit!' She yelled. She brought her laptop with her and showed it to Roger. 'There is Mason!' Roger looked at the screen with terror in his facial expression. 'Get  everyone together, we're going there right now and save him!' Roger said. As told, Isabella got everyone in the living room. 'Mason  is hold at the school. We  are going there and  get him out  of there.' Roger told  everyone.

'Say goodbye Mason. You're not gonna see the sunlight ever again.' Todd said to Mason.

What do you think  will happen to Mason?

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