Chapter 5 ~ What about Felix?

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Erik stayed at the hospital with Felix. It was 3 AM, when one of the surgeons came in and said: 'We have to do a surgery right now. His life is in danger.' Erik looked at him. 'What do you mean "in danger"?' He asked. The surgeon looked shocked. 'I don't know how to break this, but he has an alergic reaction to that scissor you found.' Erik looked away at Felix, and rememberd that he told him that he was alergic to a sort of metal.

'Michelle? Your phone is ringing!' Sam yelled. Michelle ran downstairs and picked up the phone. 'Hello?' she said. ~Michelle? Felix is going to surgery... 'What? Why?' she asked. ~You remember that day he told us he is alergic to a kind of metal? Those scissors we found is made of that sort of metal. Michelle looked away at Sam and said to him: 'Babe, Felix is going into surgery...' Sam looked at her like he got shot.

Isabella, Oscar and Fay were working on a few documents on their laptops. 'Oscar, Fay? I found something you need to read!' Isabella yelled. Oscar and Fay ran as hard as they could. 'What did you find Izzy?' Oscar asked. 'Look at this.' She pointed at the screen. 30 years ago we arrested this man; Black Mask. His real name is Ron von der Haus. Why we arrested him is because he made it look like this school was haunted. The school closed for 10 years but is open again. He kidnapped 3 girls and held them for 3 weeks. Hopefully this wont happen again. Fay looked at Isabella and then at Oscar. 'You know what this means? Ron is the father of Todd and now Todd is Black Mask.' Oscar looked terrified. 

After 3 hours of waiting, Erik got called by one of the surgeons. 'If you want, you can visit him. He is awake.' Erik stood up and ran to the room Felix was in. 'Hey Erik.' Felix said. 'Hey buddy, how's it going?' Erik asked. Felix coughed and said:' Well, it could've been better. I'm glad someone is here.' He smiled.

Mason ran to the living room where everyone was. 'Guys!' He yelled. 'Isabella, Fay and Oscar found something on the official website of documents. Fay printed the page, read it!' He gave the page to Roy and Patrick. Patrick his eyes widend. 'Oh my goodness...' He said. Sharissa, Leeroy, Kenny, Roger, Sam, Eliz and Marcel all looked at Michelle. 'What?' She asked. 'Michelle, it is Todd... We think.' Leeroy said. 'What? Why? Let me read it.' Michelle said nosy. Patrick handed Michelle the page. After 2 minutes Michelle realized, Todd IS Black Mask.

It was 5 AM when Roger woke up from a weird noise in the kitchen. 'What the heck?' he said quitely. He stood up, walked dowstairs and turned on the lights. 'W.. Who are you?' He asked. 'Go back to sleep Roger, or I'll make you go back to sleep, forever.' The person said. 'What are you doing here and what do you want?' He asked. 'I said go back to sleep, you know who I am.'

That morning Roger told everyone about what happened that night. 'Could you see who it was?' Sam asked. 'Ehm... Well, I think it was Todd....' Roger said. 'I could recognize his voice.' He said. Sam and Fay looked at Marcel. 'What?' He asked. 'Well, you know him the best. So maybe you should talk to him about this.' Fay said. Marcel looked at her. 'But, what do I have to say to him?' He asked. 'Ask if he actually is Black Mask.' Oscar answerd.

Marcel took his car and drove to the house of family von der Haus. When he arrived he saw that the front door was open. He got out of his car and went to look inside. Just when he walked in, the door closed. He turned around in shock to see Todd standing there. 'Hello Marcel.' He said. 'H..Hi Todd.' Marcel stutterd. 'What are you doing here?' Todd asked in a very angry tone. 'I eh, I had a question for you.' Todd raised one eyebrow. 'Oh, and that is?' Marcel thought about the question, what if Todd really is Black Mask, what if he didn't get out of this house alive? All of those questions, but no answer yet. 'Well, we found an old document about Black Mask from 30 years ago. It says that your dad was Black Mask back then. Now there is another Black Mask and we think that is you.' Marcel said. 'So you know my secret huh? I don't think I can let you tell the world, Marcel.' Todd answerd. Marcel's eyes widend.

What will happen?

Erik sat next to Felix' bed. Is he going to be fine? Erik looked down at his hands. 'Erik? Can you pass me the remote?' Felix asked. 'Sure.' Erik gave Felix the remote. Someone walked into the room. 'Felix, are you okay?' 'Eh, yeah. Who are you?' He asked. 'I am Alisa, sorry you don't know me, but you were me neighbour.' She answered.

Can Felix remember Alisa? How did he not know her when he lived next door?

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