13. Mother and Father Figure

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Everyone was silent until Nickayla breaks it by asking, “A war?”

“Yes.” Sanya answered.

“How do you know that a war has begun?” Tanya asked, her hands trembling with fear.

“Because I know who started it.” Sanya replied.

“And who might that be?” Cole asked.
“Derick Whyte.”

“And how do you know this, Derick Whyte?” asked Jody-Ann. Sanya was about to answer when Kyle said, “I’m sorry, I have to ask- what’s going on between you and Ranaldo?”

“Are you serious, right now?” Phiona asked.

“What, I want to know” Kyle said.

“I want to know too.” Jody-Ann butted in. Sanya sighed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, “He’s, my brother.”

“What?” everyone except for Cole, Ranaldo, Brianna, and Jevaun exclaimed.

“That’s not true, Ranaldo hates you.” Jody-Ann said.

“I did,” Ranaldo said, Sanya looked at him, her anger rose, “You know what, this meeting is over, everyone, get out!” she raged.

“Don’t have to be so mean.” Kyle said.
“Mean? You haven’t seen mean yet. I call you people over here to talk about our future and you’re here talking nonsense.” she scowled.

“Can we just get this over with, I have to get back home to Angel.” Cole said rubbing his face.

“At least one of us is positive.” Sanya said rolling her eyes.

“Are you guys still fighting?” Phillipe asked but no one answered him.

“I have a theory. When Mayor Campbell was dying,” Jody-Ann shift uncomfortably, “He was trying to tell me something, he said ‘bla bir too’ now I’ve seen the tattoo of Derick Whyte at two dead victims house at Nickroy’s and at Daniel’s.”

“What’s the tattoo?” Ranaldo inquired.

“A black bird.” Sanya responded.

“Sounds like him.” Ranaldo agreed.

“I have reasons to believe that he is killing every high-powered people in Cantralot, example the mayor, the gang leaders and the mafia leaders.” Sanya said.

“So, he’s the one who killed grandpa?” asked Jody-Ann.

“I believe so.” Confirmed Sanya.

“And my father also?” Nickayla added heartbroken.


“Do you know where he is?” Rheana inquired.

“No. last I heard he is coming to Cantralot, if that’s true I don’t know when.”

“I’m sorry but what does this have to do with me?” Tanya asked.

“And us?” Phiona said referring to Kyle and herself.

“Um, I need all the help I can get.” Sanya with a shrug.

“We only have four persons left” Kyle suddenly said.

“What?” Jody-Ann asked.

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