7. Hatred for Mayor Campbell

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Nickayla was in the backyard of her home, swinging in a swing that had been there since she was a child. Her backyard was beautiful, filled with flowers and butterflies. “Can I sit here?” Someone asked. Nickayla looked up and saw that it was Phillipe who was speaking.

“Yes, you can.” she said. Phillipe sat on the swing with Nickayla. It was a broad swing so they both could fit.

“What's bothering you?” He asked.


“That's a lie. I know you, Nickayla.”

“I don't know. It's just that I've realized something,” said Nickayla, “Everyone is hurting Phillipe, whether good or bad people they don't deserve to hurt.”

“What happened that got you talking like this?”

“I just don't understand why our parents curse, misfortunes and shame are coming to get us. Parents are supposed to give their children a better life instead they give us worse.”

“You have a point, but that's life, a fuck up thing that's out to get all of us.”

“I don't think I want to take over my father's gang Phillipe.” Phillipe stayed quiet, “What are we going to do?” He asked.

“I think it's time to make peace with everyone and I don't think that Campbell should be the mayor anymore.”

“Nickayla that's a bad thing to say, that man is the peacemaker of Cantralot.”

“No, he's not. He is the mayor because Troy and Rowe appointed him to be. Do you know how many violence and death has been in Cantralot, but the so-called mayor turned a blind eye. He's living large on blood money while Cantralot suffers.”

“That might be true, but don't forget that he's living off your father's blood money too” Phillipe cautioned.

“I'm sorry if I hurt you by wanting good for Cantralot. I just don't want my children to grow up in a place like this.” Nickayla said.

“I understand”


Phiona and Kyle were lying in bed talking about random stuff. Phiona was reminding Kyle about the fun times they had together. The two were about to kiss when they heard a knock on the door. “Brother mommy said dinner is ready.” Kyle's five years old sister, Ellie informed.

“Coming” Kyle shouted, he pecked Phiona on the lips and then they both went down to the dinner table.

“Hello dear, I didn't know that you were here” Kyle's mother said with a motherly smile.

“Hi Mrs. West, Kyle told me to come over.”

“Should've guessed you are all he ever talks about these days.” Mrs. West said.
“Mom, I'm right here.” Kyle informed his cheeks going red. They sat at the dinner table. Josh, Kyle's father included “So what were you two doing up in that room?” He asked.

“We were just talking sir.” Phiona replied, “Make sure. I am not ready to be a grandfather yet.”

“Josh, stop it.” Mrs. West scowled “Just saying” Josh muttered.

“How is your singing career going?” Mrs. West asked, changing the topic.

“It's going well. I am singing at a party tomorrow night.” Phiona said.

“That's great. Who's party?”

“Kane Straw” Phiona said which caused everyone around the table to freeze except for little Ellie who was as clueless as Phiona.

“You mean the one that lives in the white house?” Kyle asked “Yeah, you know him?”

“You listen to me child do not go to that place” Josh warned “Why not?”

“Young girls like you go missing up in 'em areas almost every month.” he said.

“Remember Windy Piper she was one of them” Kyle said.

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