6. Chances

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Alehandro didn't know what to do so he started pacing around in his room. He picked up his phone but was unsure of who he should call. He made up his mind, he knew who he had to call, he dialed the person's number.

“Hello son” a gruff voice greeted from the other end of the phone.

“Dad, I have a problem.” Alehandro told.

“What, want someone dead?”

“Not exactly, I just need some advice for now.”

“Ok what about?”

“Troy has broken his part of the deal and I've got a competition.” Alehandro informed.

“So, you do want someone dead.”

“Maybe, I want it to look like an accident.”


“I'll call you when I'm ready.”

“Ok.” Alehandro's father hung up.

Alehandro sighed, as he sat on his bed he wondered if he had made the right decision. He laid back in his bed not in the mood to go to school.


  Ranaldo waited on Brianna that morning, but she never showed up. It was 8: 30, the bell rang indicating that it was time for class, still there was no sign of her. Ranaldo began to think that Brianna had stood him up. Later that night Ranaldo called Brianna's phone but there was no answer. He began to worry; something didn’t seem right. Ranaldo decided to call Sanya.

(Phone ringing) “Hello” Sanya answered with a stuffy voice.

“Hey Sanya. What's wrong?” Ranaldo asked concerned.

“Brianna is in the hospital” Sanya sobbed.

“What!?” Ranaldo shouted while his heart beating faster at the dreadful news.

“She had an accident.” She told, her sobs turning into sniffles.

“Which hospital are you?” Ranaldo enquired.

“Cape-town public” Sanya informed.

“Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes”
Ranaldo said and hung up. He grabbed his keys and rushed downstairs through the door.

“What happened?” Ranaldo asked as he saw Sanya in the hospital.

“She was on her way to school when a truck drove her off the road; the doctor said she has a minor head injury, she had an internal bleeding, but they manage to stop it and she broke her arm. He said that there is a fifty-fifty chance that she will survive.”

“Shit!” Ranaldo exclaimed holding his head and turning in every direction that he could “Have you told her mom?” he asked.

“Arianna is out of town, and she won't be coming home for a month.”

The doctor came out of the room Brianna was in. “Doc what happened?” Ranaldo asked in anticipation.

“She is in a coma.” the doctor informed “We are not sure for how long. We will do our best to make her comfortable.”

Sanya broke down in tears and was rescued by Ranaldo arms, while he strongly held back his own tears.

“Where is she? I need to see her” Ranaldo asked.

“I don't think she will be able to respond,” the doctor told “I don't care!” Ranaldo shouted, “I need to see her.”

“Right this way,” the doctor ushered in. Ranaldo rushed into the room where Brianna was while Sanya sat in the waiting room trying to release the pressure that was building in her head.

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