17. Kidnapped Lovers

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After receiving the dreadful news from Ariana Cole rushed up to Sanya’s room and started pounding on her door and calling out her name. She opened the door and Cole almost hit her with his knuckles. “Why the fuck are you beating down my door?” she growled.

“Sanya, you have to come.” He ushered.

“Is Angel giving birth or something?”

“Ariana and Brianna got into an accident; Brianna is missing.” Cole said.


Ariana is in the hospital.” Sanya rushed inside her room, took up her phone and coat and then rushed to her motorcycle and drove off to the hospital. When she got there, Brad and Ranaldo were in the waiting room. “What happened?” she asked.

“Brianna is missing.” Ranaldo said.

“They said that they were going to the pharmacy, then I got a call that Ariana is in the hospital and that they can’t find Brianna.”

“Sanya, I think ‘you know who’ took her.” Ranaldo said.

“You think he has come out of hiding?”

“Calm before the storm, right?” Sanya sigh while nodding her head, “Did you talk to Jevaun?”

“Not since this morning.”

“You should go and check on him.”

“Yeah, I’m calling a meeting tomorrow morning.” she said and left. She went to Jevaun’s house and rang the doorbell; Andrea opened it with a scowl on her face, but it soon disappeared when she saw who it was.

“Oh, it’s you.” she said.

“You don’t sound happy to see me, Andrea.”

“I thought you were Jevaun.” Andrea said.

“So, Jevaun is not here then?”

“No, I sent him to the store like three or four hours ago and he’s not back yet. He never took this long.’ Andrea whined almost sounding like a kid.

“This is not good.” Sanya muttered.

“What’s not good?”

“Brianna is missing, Ranaldo seems to think that it’s Derick and I think he got Jevaun too.”

“That’s the guy who killed all the leaders, what would he want with Jevaun?”

“He wants me dead; Jevaun is the bait.”

“I guess he wants Ranaldo too, but not dead. Probably to take over his gang.’ Sanya informed.

Andrea sighed, “I warned Jevaun not to get involved in this stuff.”

“You mean you warned him not to get involved with me, Andrea and don’t worry when I get him back you don’t have to worry about us being together anymore.”

“I like you Sanya, you are a good girl.” Sanya gave her a look. “In your own way.” Andrea added, “I just don’t think that this life was meant for my son.”

“Yeah, I know. I got to go.” Sanya said and went away.

Brianna and Jevaun were thrown into a room without a window and just one door, except for the one that led into the bathroom. It had a decent bed and a wall fan. A man that was about six feet tall with grey eyes and brown hair spotted Brianna’s bag and tried to take it from her, but Brianna refused to let it go. “Let it go!” the man commanded pointing his gun at her. Brianna let her bag go immediately. “Boss.” the guy said and tossed the bag to a man who had black hair, he also had a large scar that run along his left eye. He started throwing all the contents out of the bag, “Hey, that’s my private business.” Brianna growled.

The man saw something interesting; he stooped down and picked it up, “Are you pregnant?” he asked, Jevaun looked at Brianna with wide eyes. “Why would I tell you anything?” Brianna spat.

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