4. News, Treats, and tears

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Phiona and Jody-Ann sat out on the balcony of the Peladin Hotel. Rheana came out of the room carrying a tray; on the tray were three glasses and a bottle of champagne. The three girls booked into the hotel so that they could be away from their family for the spring break. Rheana placed the tray on a small table that was before the girls. She opened the champagne bottle and poured some in each glass.

     “It feels so nice being away from granddad” Jody-Ann said.

   “I know right” Rheana agreed gulping down her champagne.

  “No rules, no boys, and no father, or grandfather” cheered Phiona.

“Speaking of boys, how are you and Kyle?” Rheana asked Phiona.

  “Where still together if that's what you're asking. I really miss him though” Phiona pouted.

  “Right because he's in...” Rhianna dragged.

   “Cambridge, camping with his family” told Phiona.

    “Cage and I broke up” Jody-Ann informed.

  “Why?” Phiona inquired.

  “He was getting too clingy” Jody-Ann said. All three girls phone dinged indicating that they had received a message. They looked and each other in confusion. When they checked their phones, they saw that it was a message informing them that Sanya is in the hospital. Jody-Ann rolled her eyes and put her phone away “Why are they telling us that? I mean what are we going to do about it?” she said.

   “What's wrong with you?” Phiona scowled.

“Those are the type of people who ruin Cantralot's good name” Jody-Ann argued “Since when is Cantralot a good place Jody. And do not forget that our money is the one keeping your granddaddy up there” Rheana said in anger.

  “What grandpa does is none of my business” Jody-Ann hissed.

  “Are you sure about that?” Jody-Ann rolled her eyes then got up and went into the hotel room.

  “She's being selfish” Rheana said,

“Leave me out of it,” said Phiona.

“What, you don't think she's been selfish?” Asked Rheana “Like I said leave me out of it” Rheana got up and walked away shaking her head at Phiona.

Phiona was tired of hearing about mafias, gangs, and guns. She just wanted to be able to sit quietly and peacefully for a day without hearing those words. There is only one person that can make her forget, so she called him.

“Hey Kyle” she greeted with a smile as if he could see her.

  “Hi babe, how are ya?” Kyle greeted her.

“I'm fine” Phiona replied in a tone that got Kyle worried “Hey what happened?” He asked.

“Everything is fine, don't worry. How is your camping?”

“It's great. Dad's teaching us a lot of things. I wish you were here though.”

“Me too, I miss you so much.”

  “I'll see you in three days babe” Kyle reassured.

  “But that's so long.”

  “I know darling” there was a small noise in the background “Babe I must go. I love you.”

  “I love you too” Kyle hangs up the phone. Phiona sighed, she leaned into the chair and closed her eyes.

  Troy, Cole, and his bodyguards went into one of Daniel Vaz Warehouse. Daniel Vaz is a Mexican Mafia leader with huge muscles. His body is covered in tattoos, and he had no hair. Vaz looked up from what he was doing and when he saw Troy he stood straight.

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