3. All Drugged up

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Sanya was rushed to the hospital where doctors hurriedly attended to her. Jevaun took Sanya's phone and called Cole.

“Sanya, where are you? You know Uncle will have my head if anything happens to you. Why-”

   “Cole” Jevaun said cutting him off. Cole immediately stopped talking.

   “Jevaun?” He asked confused “Where's Sanya?”

   “We were in-in the diner and-and she got shot” Jevaun stuttered.

  “No.no, no, no. I am so dead, so dead” Cole chanted.

“We're in the hospital.” Jevaun said.
  “I'm on my way.” Cole said and hangs up.

    Taking a deep breath Cole rushed up to his uncle's study. He told him all that had happened to Sanya. Troy dropped his pen and rushed out the door, he turned back and took up his car key and rushed out again. Cole stood there confused, he shook his head and went after his uncle. 

     When Troy reached the bottom of the stairs he called “Bones, Ross let's go”

Troy and Cole got in one car, while Bones and Ross, who were bodyguards, got into another, their car was leading.

     Ranaldo held his sobbing girlfriend in his arms. Brianna kept repeating that she is the reason why Sanya is in the hospital. Jevaun sat on a waiting chair with his head in his hands.

     “Babe,” Brianna called, her voice slightly shaking.

   “What's wrong, are you okay?” Ranaldo asked.

  “Behind you.” Brianna said gripping Ranaldo's shirt. Ranaldo looked behind him and shouted a frightened “Shit!”

Jevaun looked up and jumped from his seat when he saw who had entered the hospital.

     Troy came up to Jevaun and gripped him by his collar “What happened to her?” He inquired fiercely.

     “She got shot” Jevaun stuttered.

    “You are responsible, aren't you?” Troy spat.

      “No, he's not” Brianna said.

“Babe what are you doing?” asked Ranaldo, in a harsh whisper.

“Jevaun didn't do anything to her. It was my fault. She saved my life” Brianna cried.

“She risked her life to save yours?”


“And why would she do that?”

“Because we are friends and we would do anything to protect each other, I guess that's something you would never understand” Brianna cried in a sad angry tone. Troy walked up to Brianna as if he were going to hit her.

“Stay away from her” Ranaldo said with a gripped fist.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Troy asked, giving Ranaldo a fierce deadly look in his eyes. Suddenly the chaos was interrupted when the doctor stepped through the door. Jevaun got up to go to the doctor but was pushed away by Troy.

“Mr. Trovic” the doctor stuttered
“Y-Your daughter is awake.”

“Is she going to live?” Troy demanded.

“Y-Yes s-sir” the doctor answered.

“Make sure. We do not want this hospital to go up in flames, do we?”

“N-no sir”

“Good. Cole let us go.”

Cole obediently followed his uncle. Jevaun, Brianna, and Ranaldo all stood there shocked at all the events that took place. Jevaun fell back into the chair.

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