11.Family Problems

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Sanya got ready for school and went downstairs. Usually, Cole would be waiting for her but strangely he wasn't there, "Where's Cole?" she asked.

"He went to school." Troy simply answered.

Sanya sighed and went on her way. When her bike pulled up on the school compound, she took off her helmet and looked towards the entrance of the school. She got off her bike and started walking to her class when she was held back by someone. She looked behind her in confusion and saw that it was a middle-aged lady. "Yes?" she asked.

"You just look so familiar." said the lady.

"Oh. Who do I look like?" Asked Sanya.

"My sister."

"I see. I'm sorry I must go now." Sanya apologized and started walking away but the woman stopped her again. "I'm sure I know you."

"Look lady, I'm sorry about your sister because obviously she's dead, but I'm not her." Sanya tried to take her leave again and the lady stopped her once again "No, I'm sure I know you." Sanya pushed her away and the lady almost fell over, but Ranaldo caught her just in time.

"What the hell Sanya." He said angrily.

"This woman won't leave me alone." She told him.

"Well, this woman is my aunt and you almost hurt her." Ranaldo said.

"I don't c-did you say she's your aunt?"


"Oh." Saya let out an awkward laugh, "I have to go." She started walking away.

"Daisy wait!" The woman called. Sanya froze then turn around slowly, "I don't know you lady." she said. She hurriedly entered the school building and went to her locker. She punched it and then lean her head against it.

"Sanya." she heard.

"What now?" She muttered. As she turned around, she got punched to the floor.

"What the hell, which fool did that?" She looked up and saw Jody-Ann she had tears falling down her face. "Why do you have to be such a bitch? Can't you be civil for one second? You couldn't even help me get grandpa to a hospital; you just left him there to die." she sobbed.

"I didn't leave him, I watched him die. That's what he deserves."

"Uh!" The students that were now surrounding them teased.

"Shut up. You are wicked and you deserve everything you get. Watch your back Sanya because I'm coming to get you." Jody-Ann warned and walked away.

"Just so you know, that didn't scare me." She shouted after her.

Cole came where Sanya was, she was still on the floor. "Never thought I would see the day you get punched."

"Shut up Cole!" Sanya said and got up.

"What, did I hit a nerve?" Teased Cole.

"I said shut up." She yelled and pushed Cole.

"What's going on here?" a rough voice asked, the students scattered to their classes. "You two, to my office." The principal command and walked away. Sanya and Cole followed.

"Sit." Rick command, they obeyed. Rick looked at the two, then sighed.

"What's going on between you two?" He asked, but he didn't get a reply.

"Cole? Sanya?" He interrogated, but still no answered. "So, you're not going to answer?" Rick saw that he was getting nowhere so he said, "Ok. I see how it is. You two stay here I'll be right back." Rick left his office and went to a classroom. He whispered something to the teacher, the teacher nod and said, "Phillipe, Jevaun and Angel, the principal needs you in his office right away." The three students were confused but they obeyed and went with the principal.

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