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When consumed, it works by opening up sodium channels that are already sensitive to tetrodotoxins, that increases the influx of sodium through the channels and delays, causing the victim to become easily excited and more vulnerable to heart failure.

Easier to hurt.

Easier to fight.

Easier to kill.

The hunt begins with one singular drop, one miniscule pebble in the stream to change the tide One chance. One end.

Bane sneers as he wipes the blood dripping from his nose. The red crimson staining his skin. He held himself up, his body working hard to regenerate, causing a slight tremble in his movements.

"That all you got?" Bane spat, glaring daggers at the approaching militia pilot. Their dark mottled armour stained in red patches, He couldn't tell if it was his own blood, or the others, from how uninjured they looked, the former, he reckoned.

The pilot did not utter a word, only kicking him down after an attempt of standing. Bane growled inwardly, he got distracted, that's what caused this, caused this pain, this incident.

The other lowered their gun, leveling it with his head. He rolled his eyes exasperatingly. "This is going to hurt like a bitch" he muttered, the shot ringing loudly as it pierced through his skull.


The world was dark, the night sky sprinkled with stars, nearby fires crackled loudly. It seemed that everything was louder for Bane.

With a groan, he brought his hand up to plant against his head, which was coated in his own blood.

How long had he been out, he didn't know, nor cared.

He sat up slowly, his pilot suit torn in some places, and where there should have been large and lethal wounds, only a scar remained.

He huffed. His face and body a ghastly white. He glanced at his hands. "No wonder I'm light headed" he groaned.

His body had lost most of its blood, but it would flow again, sooner or later.

Static filled his ears as broken syllables forced its way through the comms. The tone is easily recognizable. Worried and panicked noises try to form into words, but it only comes out in static.
"Arsenic... please calm down" Bane mumbled, his body sore and tired from the recent events.

Large thuds in the distance echo and the ground around him quakes. He slowly lays back down, as painful as it was. He coughed lightly, letting out a shaky breath as his body shuddered, from the cold, and from the pain.

Soon, the footfalls grew louder as his legion barreled through a wreckage, she hummed worriedly, hovering over Bane protectively, even though the fleet had left.

"You could have died!" Arsenic rumbled, her armour puffing up angrily.

"But I didn't," Bane said with a stuttering laugh.

The Legion gently picked him up, he laid in her open palm as she took him to where the others were waiting.

"But you could have" Arsenic reminded him, repeating her words with a huff.
Apart from Bane's uneven breaths, the trip back was silent, Bane, for once, taking consideration of her words. Even though they meant nothing, seeing as he had 'died' before.

He hated it. Death, it was nothing new to him, he has greeted it so many times, purposefully or not.
'I am forever dying but never dead'


ayyeee new character, His name is Wolfsbane, but prefers Bane, basically, he can willingly deteriorate and regenerate parts of his body :)

Arsenic belongs to slavic_potato

and Wolfsbane belongs to me
i wrote this one this time ;)

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