Pure Sweetness

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It was cold.

No. It was Freezing.

The temperature was below the standard point of human survival. Luckily for harpy, she did not fit those standards.

But that didn't mean the cold didn't mess with her.

Her frame rattled from the cold, systems working hard to reheat her chassis and limbs.

There was a small whine that came from harpy, as if letting out a sharp sigh. She sat there drowsily, her right arm mangled, sparks spitting dangerously from lacerated wires.

She was tempted to rip it off herself.

Her un-injured arm was wrapped around her torso, pressing down on a slit open coolant line to prevent any further leakage.

It wasn't lethal, nor did it limit much movement, but it did wear out the northstar.

Something else was bringing her down too, but she couldn't pinpoint what. But it made her unbelievably exhausted.

She wondered why she had been left behind, surely they didn't mean too, perhaps they didn't have the supplies... or something like that.

She decided not to dwell on it, they'll be back in the morning, she told herself.

Something was wrong, Harpy noted. Other than it being blatantly stated on her hud that Alexa was nowhere to be seen and probably already back at home.

Something was most definitely not right. As if something was missing.

With a sudden motion, Harpy sat up, scrambling to her feet, tripping over herself multiple times in the process. The cold. Endo couldn't see. That's what was wrong.

Flipping through her memories, she remembered seeing the scorch on the other side of the battlefield before all went dark. Quickly, yet carefully, she stumbled along, holding her injuries close to her body.

It was almost frantic, the way she moved. Harpy began calling out for the titan, chirping distressingly when there was no answer back.

Slowing down from a sprint to a trot, she looked around tentatively. Peering into a half destroyed building.

And there she was, Endo sitting peacefully in the way corner of the room, out of sight and away from the enemy's prying eyes.

Harpy approached quickly, "there you are, i was starting to think you died for a second-" she started, When there was no answer, Harpy nudged the other softly.

A moment of silence.

"Yes?" They answered finally, lights flickering to life, the soft yellow hue of her lights lighting up the area alongside the blue of harpy's lights, the colours dancing on the walls.

Harpy reached out and wiped away the small frost that had formed over Endo's optic, allowing the scorch to see.

Harpy huffed, going to say something but was immediately interrupted by the others worry.

"Ah! You're hurt! Are you okay!? What happened?"

"I'm alright-"


Endo grabbed a hold of harpy and began looking over the northstar, who decided it was best not to move and let the scorch continue.

"How did this happen?" Endo asked, using her own hand to press down on the open coolant line to give harpy a chance to relax.

"I don't remember honestly, i probably got too close to Deto's blast radius" Harpy said with a slight hint of laughter in her voice, trying to bring things to an upbeat mood.

Endo shook her head "you need to be more careful."

"Yeah, I know." Harpy slumped forwards, leaning on Endo as she slid down, sitting on the ground next to her. Exhaustion began hitting Harpy in waves.

As she sat down, Endo made a small noise that was filled with worry, causing Harpy to look up at her lazily.

"Everything alright?" She asked.

Endo was hesitant with her words.

"I mean- you should be alright-"

"Whadda mean?"

"Well, you have another leakage coming from your back, i believe it's your battery that is broken"
Harpy didn't like that, not one bit, no wonder she felt so tired, her battery life was draining, unsettlingly fast. She looked at Endo, looking for a piece of reassurance.

"You should rest," Endo said, holding Harpy close, "I don't detect lifeforms, other than the oblivious fauna, so it's safe, and I'll keep you safe, okay?"

Harpy nodded slowly, already dozing off as she leaned on the other, "....okay"


Boom! i wrote this, took me like 3 days though, its about 700 words! i am very proud of myself bc i am confident in writing others characters :D 
Endo belongs to my lovely father slavic_potato ! 

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