The Echo in the mirror

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 Something wasn't right

Something most definitely was wrong. Echo felt it in her gut as it growled, lashing out in fear and nervousness. Pacing, the pilot mumbled, shaky sentences coming out as broken syllables and incoherent noises.

Turning to the completed filled whiteboard, covered with blue ink and smudges of red and black in the mixture. Examining the positions of ally's, the lay out of the area, where the remnant fleet would most likely hit (which they did)

Nothing added up.

Was this a hoax? Some kind of dirty trick to get out of work?

No, Oasis wasn't like that, Echo reminded herself, Bali wouldn't have allowed it to happen anyways.

With an upset groan, she placed her hands on her head, backing up and falling into the mattress of the nearby bunk, the stressed springs letting out squeaks.

Echo tries so hard, so goddamned hard, wanting to know what happened, why it happened, but gets nowhere.
"Why do i worry about her so much.."

Draggin her gloved hands down her face painfully, she sighs, letting her arms flop to her sides. Blurred memories resonated in the front of her mind, fuzzy voices she couldn't understand, but she knew they meant no good.

Stop, something snapped in the back of her mind, your doing it again

"I know.." she responded weakly, tears beginning to build at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill at any given chance.

If you are troubled, they offered, go see her.

"But what if she doesn't want to see me?" Echo countered, dark and intrusive vines of hurt began to wrap its way around her mind, attempting to shut them out.

It will be alright, you know her, They comforted. With a near instant effect, those vines shriveled, Echo sat up wearily, wiping the salt filled tears from her eyes.

"Yeah... you're right... it was never this bad with Ma and Mom.."

"Shut it loud mouth"


Echo sat in a stiff metal chair, not the best to accidentally fall asleep in really.

Oasis was happily chatting away with the other two who accompanied the room, her arm in a brace and bandages wrapped around her torso and legs.

Echo watched with a pain-filled sigh, her eyes slightly cracked open, feigning sleep.

Soon, the others finished their conversation and goodbyes with small little kisses peppering one another in an affectionate way.

Echo, suddenly jolted up, her arms stretching out, as though she had just woken up.

Oasis beckoned her over with a few waves of her good hand, but Echo profusely apologized for accidentally falling asleep and quickly made her escape, headed to her quarters.

On her way back, she slowed to a stop, eyeing the titan bay. Looking down to her hands as tears began to pile once more. With a shaky sigh, she continues.

Maybe She's the something that's wrong

"...I'm fine... it's okay... I'll die anyways.."

I wrote it i wrote it i wrote it i wrote-
Echo, Oasis, Bali and the mysterious little voice all belong to me!
the "other two who accompanied the room" belong to Mav and slavic_potato 
In which the two characters and Oasis are in a poly relationship <3 

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