~Chapter 30: Cranks everywhere~

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~Cranks Everywhere~

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~Cranks Everywhere~

The dust clouds around them finally settled and the noise of falling rubble became silent around them as Robyn just lay still. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her head mimicked the beat. There wasn't a single part of her body that didn't ache or feel numb, not an inch. She hated that feeling of being weak.

Once the other two's coughing completely stopped, Robyn felt a hand pat her leg from beside her,
followed by the voice of Brenda.

"Are you okay?" Brenda came into view, a concerned look on her face.

Robyn didn't even want to reply. It wasn't in any way rude, she just didn't think she could. The amount of dust that entered her mouth made it dry and sore, whilst everything else caused her to go drowsy. so as a reply, Robyn just made a quiet noise.

"I'll take that as a yes then" Brenda weakly smiled.

The brunette knew she couldn't just lie there in her own self pity, she had to move. Although her body was begging for her to stay still, that wasn't possible. Robyn knew that Newt was waiting for her somewhere and she had to find him - she had to find them all, every single one of them were so important to her. They were her world.

Using the very little strength she had left, she pulled herself up from the floor, resting onto her elbows. As she did, she couldn't help but wince from the pain in her leg. Moving made it feel like her skin was tearing apart even further, making more blood pour from it.

"Woah, go slow" Brenda rushed over, looking just as fed up as Robyn. The girl wiped the dust from her face, before wrapping her arm under Robyn's, "What's happened?"

Robyn rested her head back onto Brenda's shoulder due to exhaustion, "I got it earlier from the storm, it's no big deal"

Brenda pulled her mouth into a straight line, not knowing how to react. The girl hadn't really seen people her age in years, it was mostly just her a Jorge. As a pair, they were cut off from the world in order to protect themselves, so Brenda didn't really have much social interaction with younger people. The girl wasn't bothered about older people because they didn't scare her in the slightest. She just wasn't the best with people her own age.

Thomas lifted himself from the floor next to the two girls, his breathing heavy. The three teenagers were drained of energy with very little willpower. Life just wasn't treating them well.

"Here let me help" Thomas spotted how Brenda had a grip around Robyn, and slowly but surely came to her side, "Is it still bothering you?"

Robyn blinked slowly and tried to force a smile, "It's just a cut Tommy"

"A cut that's incredibly large and deep" He replied as she brushed the hair from her tired face.

"Don't worry about me, just please help me get up from this floor" Robyn flopped her head back down.

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