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ㅤhongjoong grew up in a very nice village. they were very 𝗮ccepting, well of most things. basically you could do something different from the norm and they wouldn’t judge you. well almost. the only thing they didn’t approve of is same sex relationships which eight year old hongjoong called bullshit.

hongjoong has always had an attraction to males and he didn’t have a problem with it. what if his mate was the same sex? would he have to push them away? hell, he wouldn’t do that! his parents and his village can suck a dick. if he wants to have a relationship with a boy he’ll have a relationship with a boy and no one’s gonna stop him!

the only thing hongjoong’s parents were proud of is that he presented as an alpha.

a knock soon interrupted his thoughts.

hongjoong, can we enter?” hongjoong gave a small hum that was loud enough to alert his parents. they walked in and sat on his bed.

how would you feel about being head of the pack?” his mother asked excitedly. head of the pack...? that would be a great responsibility and a great amount of power. he even gets to stay in his village. get to see the familiar faces and rule over the pack. he loves his pack, well it’s a love–hate relationship really. he took a breath before answering,

fuck no.”

“kim hongjoong! watch your mouth young man!!” said boy just shrugged and continued to play with some toys he had when he was younger.

why don’t you want to be pack leader? it’ll bring a good reputation for our family. you’re a pretty dominant alpha, even if you are eight. the other alphas at school submit to you hongjoong.” his father got out.

of course, they want the reputation. he mentally rolled his eyes.

okay, and?”

and what?” his mother questioned.

this isn’t convincing me to be pack leader. so what if the other alphas at school submit to me, i don’t care about that.”

but hongjoong, you can lead this pack to greatness. you’ll be an amazing leader.” his mother stated with a big smile.

but then i wouldn’t have time to find my mate.”

who cares about a mate, you can marry a female omega here and rule together.” his father said.

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