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⠀⠀when the boys had 𝗹eft it was nearing sunset, opposed to their original plan of leaving at sunrise. it was hard carrying their bags, especially as the night provided cool, harsh, air.

every now and then yeosang shivered which mingi noticed and gave the smaller boy his hoodie.

no mingi, take it. you’ll be cold. yeosang refused but mingi persisted.

i’ll be fine, you take it. look, you’re shivering.” and yeosang had finally agreed and took the piece of clothing from mingi.

they had walked about an hour before hongjoong decided to stop them.

i think it’s best we stay put for the night instead of going on further. the woods can get dangerous as we could possibly run into hunters. in the morning we can figure out where we need to head to.

everyone nodded and started to get settled in the cave they had found.

they had made a small fire as to give them light and give them a bit of warmth.

yeosang leaned on yunho, tightly clutching onto mingi’s hoodie.

we know it’s not the most ideal place to rest in but we had to pack lightly so we aren’t weighed down.” seonghwa spoke lightly. everyone nodded, understanding that they couldn’t complain due to their current circumstance.

all the alphas soon looked over at yeosang, seeing him spacing out on yunho’s shoulder. they felt bad as yeosang had to leave his friends behind but given that the hunters had raided their home they had to leave quicker than they would have wanted.

are you okay yeo?” wooyoung had gently asked, now on yeosang’s right side.

huh? oh, yeah, i’m okay woo.” yeosang softly replied back.

you can voice out your thoughts to us baby.hongjoong coaxed.

you don’t have to keep things bottled up anymore, you have us.” jongho added.

yeosang sniffled.

thank you guys, i really do love you guys. it’s just, life is going to be different now. what are we going to do once we find our answers? what if we never find answers? i can’t help but think about what can possibly happen.

i know right now you can’t help but have those thoughts but try not to think about that. things will get better for us.” yunho spoke up, gently wiping yeosang’s tears. wooyoung, having never left the older’s side, left a kiss on his head.

everyone then cuddled in closer to each other.

i think it’s time we get some sleep. everyone stay together.‘ hongjoong said softly.

for a while, everything was silent, except the occasional crackle from the fire. yeosang tried sleeping but he couldn’t. he opened his eyes to find everyone asleep except hongjoong.

hyung why are you awake?” the younger had gently spoke, hoping the others wouldn't wake up.

i’m just keeping an eye out in case anything happens.

𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 | 𝖸𝖤𝖮𝖲𝖠𝖭𝖦 𝗑 𝖠𝖳𝖤𝖤𝖹حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن