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⠀⠀since yeosang and the b𝗼ys had brought the great wolves out of hiding, the villagers had heard about the news of remaining royalty and the great wolves leaving hiding. it came as a big shock to the villagers, almost too good to be true.

yeosang remembers that the day after they had found the great wolves and found out he was royalty they had him and the boys in carriages to travel the villages and show the villagers that they would be in safe hands.

the great wolves did not explicitly mention it but yeosang had caught on that they had wanted him to stay with them, to rebuild the kingdom they once had, and to rule as their leader.

but yeosang couldn’t. he didn’t want to leave his family, who still remained in the city. he didn’t want to rule either. he didn’t know how, and the pressure of many lives being put in his charge scared him.

so as they arrived to their first village, yeosang saw a flit of recognition in yunho’s eyes but it left as soon as it arrived.

yeosang scooted closer to the taller and gently grabbed his hand, “everything alright yuyu?

“this is my village... he had answered softly.

(in case there’s any questions, the boundaries were not always around, they were put by the great wolves after the attack of their kingdoms so the villagers would be safe. so as of right now, the great wolves have removed the boundaries.)

yunho didn’t know how to feel about stepping foot into his village. he hadn’t been here for months. he unconsciously tightened his grip on yeosang’s hand as he took in his surroundings.

it’s okay yunho, deep breaths. follow after me.” yeosang gently said as he instructed yunho to breathe in deeply and slowly.

the others in that carriage with them were hongjoong (he can’t bear to be away from yeosang for long) and wooyoung, and a few guards, and they saw how yeosang was taking care of yunho and they just smiled lovingly, oh how thankful they were for yeosang.

both boys knew that if they were in yunho’s place they would react the same way. stepping into their villages would only bring back the painful memories they wished to forget.

soon the carriages stopped and the boys got out, yeosang never once leaving yunho’s side.

the villages were crowded around them all, looks of shock on all their faces as they saw the great wolves and tried to guess who was the royal. yeosang eyed them nervously and he saw some of the villagers whisper as some of them seemed to recognize yunho.

yunho felt extremely nervous, he looked around at the familiar faces of friends and schoolmates. he didn’t want to be here, he wanted to leave.

hello everyone, you may know who we are so we’ll keep this short. we know you're all dying to find out who our remaining heir is. the main wolf spoke with a gentle smile.

yeosang waved a little before he took a deep breath, hello, my name is kang yeosang.

yeosang wasn’t sure what to do next but luckily the great wolves just said they hope to accept them and they are thankful for welcoming them into their village.

after that, some of the villagers left after that but as yunho scanned the crowd he saw something that immediately brought he tears to his eyes.

yeosang let out calming pheromones as the other alphas crowded against them. then yunho wrapped up yeosang in a hug.

i’m nervous sangie. the taller had whispered.

it’s okay yunho, deep breaths remember.” yeosang said as he hugged yunho back tighter.

𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 | 𝖸𝖤𝖮𝖲𝖠𝖭𝖦 𝗑 𝖠𝖳𝖤𝖤𝖹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang