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⠀⠀the boys were all i𝗻 shock. when had hongjoong gotten the time to buy a new house?

yeosang started tearing up and his alphas crowded against him.

"thank you hyungie." he sniffled out and the rest cooed at how adorable their mate was.

the eight of them soon walked inside and all of them were in awe cause this house was huge! even bigger than their last house, it was even fully furnished.

"think of it as a thank you from the great wolves." hongjoong said with a big smile.

yeosang then plopped down onto the carpeted floor of the living room and starting crying. immediately all seven alphas were around him.

"what's wrong yeo?"



"are you hurt?"

the voices overlapped and yeosang doesn't even know who said what.

"all of you have provided so much for me. i–i just love you guys so much." yeosang hiccuped out and the alphas all broke out into big grins.

"so emotional yeosangie." san teased out and yeosang let out a huff.

"my heat is near." yeosang mumbled out shyly and the boys blushed.

just then there was a knock on the door and since yeosang's senses become more sensitive before his heat he knew who was behind the door. the boys following after yeosang.

once throwing the door open he was met with seungmin, minho, yeonjun and beomgyu. the three omegas squealed in delight as their alphas watched them with happy smiles.

"you guys, how!?"

"we'll always find pack." seungmin said as he held yeosang and beomgyu's hands tightly.


seonghwa and minho were in the kitchen making dinner as the alphas sat at the diner table catching up, every now and then looking at their mates who were in the living room.

"hyung you smell sweeter than usual." beomgyu commented as he sniffed the air.

"his heat is near gyu." seungmin stated and immediately beomgyu squealed.

"are you...?" the question was left unsaid but yeosang knew what beomgyu wanted to say so he nodded.

"i'm ready to start a family."

(quick a/n :: i know they're teenagers but in the book whenever an omega starts to develop they are seen as mature. their presenting is like their puberty and they're seen as mature enough to start their own families so it's not weird or odd for them to create families young. just wanted to clear some things up !)

seungmin and beomgyu squealed even higher than the last two times (if it was even possible) and all the alphas were in the living room the next second.

"are you guys okay?!" they all yelled only for the three omegas to blush out of embarrassment as they were too loud.

"sorry guys, we just got too excited." yeosang said with big smile, shooing the boys away the next second.

"omg sangie we're so happy for you. remember we're always here for you."


yeosang's heat had finally passed and he couldn't be happier because his alphas took excellent care of him.

he couldn't stop the big smile that spread across his face as he could only hope that his wish would come true.

one day while all the alphas were out of the house and yeosang was alone with beomgyu and seungmin "working on homework" yeosang took this as an opportunity to take the tests.

it had been a few weeks now and yeosang didn't feel any different but only time would tell but yeosang couldn't wait that long.

after peeing on the sticks he nervously came out and beomgyu and seungmin tried their best to distract him the time necessary for the tests to develop.

once the desired time passed seungmin went in to peek and soon beomgyu followed with yeosang entering lastly.

that night yeosang begged for seungmin, minho, beomgyu and yeonjun to stay.

they did but everyone was left confused why.

though that night at dinner yeosang stood up abruptly.

"i have an announcement to make." he said nervously as he fidgeted with his fingers.

yeosang placed a pretty pastel box onto the table and everyone (minus seungmin and beomgyu) were even more confused.

yeosang gently unwrapped it and there in the box laid the tests.

"yeo—" hongjoong choked out as his eyes brimmed with tears.

"omg we're having a baby!" mingi yelled out.

(don't ask how but using wattpad logic they're all the father LMAO)

everyone gave their congratulations and the pack decided to sleep in the living room all cuddled up together.


it's been a few months now and yeosang had grown a bump, it wasn't small but it wasn't big either.

so far yeosang and the pup had been extremely healthy and even minho and seungmin moved in, it'd be easier for seungmin to do check ups on them plus they were pack and pack always sticks together (yeonjun still lives with his parents and beomgyu lives with him so they aren't going to move in for a while).

since they couldn't blow their cover yeosang couldn't go to a human doctor but luckily seungmin has taken up the role as pack doctor as he was raised by two doctors.

today he was checking up on yeosang to see if he would be alright for travel he was about to endure.

after the tests were done he had gathered the boys as he had some unexpected news.

"oh no, is this bad?" wooyoung asked as he bit his nails.

"not at all, quite the contrary. this just may come across as a surprise is all."

there was a beat of silence before minho slid up behind seungmin, reading the paper he had in his hands and his eyes became wide eyed.

"congrats, you guys are having triplets!"

yunho, san, and hongjoong all ended up fainting as the rest were in complete shock.

seungmin helped yunho, san and hongjoong wake up, minho went to cut up a bit of fruit for yeosang. while the rest stayed close to yeosang.

once the three awoke they also stuck close to yeosang.

"don't worry, you guys have the green light to go travel you just have to make sure yeosang takes his medication and always has at least one of you with him. since he's having three pups his body is going to take a big tole on him so stay close."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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