Chapter 5

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Schools kicking my ass rn dawg 😩

(Violence in chapter warning)

Mono's POV

I crawl through the dusty vent quickly, dragging the uniform behind me. I can hear the bullies screaming and yelling underneath me in the cafeteria, I was close to Y/n! I crawl even quicker in the excitement of seeing them again, I know it hadn't been long, but I missed them a lot.

I finally get to the end of the vent system and shove the vent cover off, it hits the floor with a loud bang. I hold the uniform to my chest and look out, there was a drop, but I would be fine. I hopped out and used the uniform as my landing, I was now back in the kitchen, close to Y/n. I hold on tight to the uniform and run over to the cart of trays, throwing the uniform over, and quickly climbed my way up and over.

There they were, laying on the ground, not moving. I moved closer in slight horror and touch their back, still breathing. They were still alive. I shook their body, in an effort to wake them up. They stirred and opened their eyes. "Oh, hey Mono", they said groggily while rubbing their eye.

I presented them with the uniform in eagerness, waiting for praise. "Oh, good job Mono, thank you", I nod and grin a little bit, bouncing on the heels of my feet. "Are you ready?", I ask, still wondering what the whole plan was, now that I didn't have one of the bullies faces to wear.

"Yeah", they lifted themselves up, struggling to stand properly, grunting in pain. I started worriedly at them. They noticed," I'm alright Mono, just tired", well that isn't true, I nodded anyway. They slipped the dress over their clothes, pulling their chains through the sleeves, and trying to get comfortable in it.

"Alright, the plan is, I'm gonna walk through there and act like a teacher, while carrying you like I just caught you and I'm gonna go take you and punish you, or something", they said with confidence, I was a bit worried, but I trust them, they know what their doing.

Y/n's POV

I hope this is gonna work, cause it's all I got. I straighten out the uniform one last time before picking up a metal bar from one of the trays, it looked like it used to belong to some sort of kitchen utensil, but the useful part had been torn off. I go to Mono and start to pick him up, but he slides past my hands and hugs my leg.

"It's gonna be fine Mono, don't worry, I won't let those little shits hurt you, I promise", I put my hand on his back. He moved away, looking directly into my eyes and nodding eagerly. I smiled, he quickly looked at the ground. I was a little confused, but ignored it as I picked him up in my hand and carried him to my side like rag doll, but making sure not to be too rough.

I shove the cart out of my way, hissing from the strain it put on my shoulders doing so, but continuing forward to the cafeteria doors. I reach the door and huff, putting on my best annoyed and angry face I can muster, then shove the doors open.

The cafeteria goes silent, I glare around at the children as they look away in fear. I limp my way through the cafeteria. As I walk past a bully I smack their head with the metal thingy and they scurry away. The children run out of my way, not wanting to get hit. I shove the two tables in my way apart, frightening the bullies who sat there.

My arms and legs felt like they were on fire as I trudged through the next door and into the hallway, effectively silencing the children in the hall. My legs were giving out, but I had to keep moving, I hissed at the pain and the children cowered. Mono started to slip from my grasp, I couldn't catch him as he fell to the floor without causing suspicion.

Thankfully he's a good actor. Mono started running from me to the way out. I mimicked a teacher screech, and limped as fast as I could to catch up to him. He slipped into a door and I followed after, slamming it shut. I fell to the ground, Mono starred at me. "Don't worry about it, I'll be okay, I just need some rest".

He nodded after awhile and looked around as I got out of the itchy dress. "Stay here", Mono started climbing up something, but it was hard to focus. My vision was blurry and dark, but the sound of glass shattering in front of me snapped me out of it thankfully.

A nasty, child sized brain laid on the floor, I gagged from the smell. Mono came down safely then grabbed the brain, throwing it at a button. I forced myself to stand, getting dizzy while doing so. "Can you walk?", I don't know, "Yeah", I limped my way into the next room with Mono following closely behind.

There was a short hallway, nothing looked a miss so I just kept walking. "Y/n!", I turned to see Mono struggling with a bully, I panic and kick it into the wall. A pain went through my leg, I huff as Mono finds and grabs a hammer, walking past me.

He kills more and more bullies while I watch, he was handling it well so I didn't step in. We reach a bathroom, a girl around Mono's age hangs from a rope while two bullies make fun of her. Mono takes care of them quickly, I try to grab the girl to get her down, but she bites my hand, Mono releases the rope and she falls to the floor. She runs to Mono and ushers him to run with her," Six! Don't worry! Their a friend!", I couldn't see her face, but I knew damn well she thought he was insane.

"Mono what do you mean! We need to go!", she grabs his arm to drag him away, but we hear a large bang coming down the hall. The teachers screeching rang in my ears, blurring my vision, distracting me. I'm suddenly shoved to the floor. Why is it so hazy? My ears were ringing, I couldn't move, everything hurts.

Warning, Violence

Yelling was all around me, but I could only hear one thing,"Y/N! HELP", Mono? My vision cleared suddenly and I look in horror at the scene, the teacher had grabbed both Mono and six and was crushing them. I don't know what hit me, but my body felt light as I got up and wrapped my chains around the teachers neck.

The surprise of me grabbing her caused her to drop them. She screeched loudly, trying to pry me off of her, but I only pulled harder. With one last yank, a loud snap was heard and she fell limp. My veins were on fire and my heart was beating out of my chest as she hit the floor with a thump.

(Violence over, basically, Y/n killed the teacher)

The last thing I knew were my eyes closing while I starred at the ceiling, finally getting a much needed nap.

1240 words

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