Chapter 6 1/2

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Mono's POV

Y/n hit the floor, smacking their head on the hard bathroom tile. "Y/n!", I cried, trying to run to their aid. Six yanked my arm back,"What are you doing?!? We need to go before either of them wake up!". I forced my arm out of Six's grip, almost falling while running to their aid.

"Y/n wake up! We need to go! Come on", I tugged their arm, desperately trying to wake them up. "Mono this isn't funny! We need to go!", no no no no no no no. I shook Y/n violently, holding in my cries of desperation. I felt a tug at my arm," Mono! Come on! It's not safe here!", she grabbed me by my torso and tried pulling me back.

"No! I'm not leaving them! Their my friend and we protect each other!", I held tighter onto their arm. Six let go, then plopped on the ground. "Fine, but we can't stay here long", I observed Y/n's face, closely, sweat was coating their forehead, I cringed at the sight of their agonized expression. I rubbed their hand, silently promising them I would protect them.

A long silence passed us, I eventually sat next to their head, rubbing their temples, trying to give some sort of relief or comfort. "Mono, how'd you even manage to make friends with  them?", Six was the first to break the silence. I momentarily stopped my movements, then started again,"Well, when I was looking for you, I went down this hallway into a small classroom, there was a teacher writing on the chalkboard, and Y/n was just sitting there".

Six nods for me to go on,"The teacher left shortly after, and closed the door, so I was stuck in there with them. At first I was scared when they saw me, but they actually helped me get out of the room, and I helped them. They saved me from a lot of bullies chasing me, you should've been there, it was so cool", I grin, thinking back at how cool it was when they smashed all those bullies in order to protect me.

"And then they agreed to help me find you, and now here we are, best friends!", Six nodded quietly. "I guess it was pretty cool when they killed that teacher", I looked up at Six, she was looking at the ground. A pang of jealousy shot through me almost instantly. I nodded, "Yeah, they protected me so many times!", Six looked back at me, confused.

"Wha-", she didn't have time to speak, as Y/n started to stir. My eyes lit up with excitement as I took my bag off, wanting to be the first thing they see when they wake up.

Sorry this is super short, the next one will be longer, I promise :)

478 words

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