Update after 2 years 😭

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It's been 2 years pookies... I have returned at the announcement of LLN3.

So I'll be honest w you guys. I'm 18 now and for reference I was 15 when I started this book so it has been awhile. I'm saying this mostly because I have improved my writing and rereading this story makes me cringe 😭. I've stopped using Wattpad in favor of Tumblr, which I've come to prefer as it's better than Wattpad (imo). The writers are older and more experienced so it's more of my scene now.

I do plan on rewriting this book on my tumblr account! It's definitely gonna be a lot better than what I could write when I was 15 and just starting out. My tumblr is called 'griefbacon'. I will be posting an announcement so you guys know it's me if you decide to check it out :).

As for this Wattpad book it will be published and ended for good. It will be rewritten better though on my tumblr account, dw.

Hope to see you guys there :)

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