Chapter 11

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Currently setting up the next book for this series, still trying to figure out a good title for it, leave suggestions if u think of anything, I'll make sure to credit you if I choose yours!

Mono's POV

The grip I had on Six's hand didn't cease as our feet padded into the darkness. "Mono, let go", Six whispered, sounding irritated with her situation. I whispered back to her, "I'm gonna protect you whether you like it or not, Y/n cares about you, and I care about Y/n, so you're not going anywhere". I could hear a huff of frustration as I shined my light around, seeing mannequins, creepy. We crept through the room when a cracking sound echoed in the room. I turned quickly, seeing a mannequin moved slightly towards us, as if it was lunging at us. An uneasy feeling settled over me, Six must've felt it too as her grip on my hand tightened. I shook it off as nothing and turned back around just to hear it again.

I swiveled around to see it closer, uh oh. We backed away slowly, making sure to keep the flashlight on the mannequin as I heard another crack. "Run!", Six shouted, dragging me behind her. Several more cracks from the mannequins followed suit. We slid under a bed, huffing, I turned around to see the 'feet' of the mannequins on the other side of the bed. Guess we're not going back that way.

*Skipping the rest of that part bcuz it's repetitive, this skip is to where their in the hallway w all the doors*

We panted, "What the heck are those things?", "How am I supposed to know stupid?", Six panted out. I shot a glare at her but said nothing. I forced my feet to move down the hallway with Six behind me. A hand shot out of the door beside me, then another on the other side, and then another, and another. Oh crap. I started sprinting down the hallway, flashlight lighting the way as more hands bursted threw the doors. I turned a corner and a crawling mannequin busted out. I turned to face it, backing away as quick as I could, Six runs past me, leaving me to deal with it. I turn and run, avoiding the grabbing mannequins.

I jumped onto the shelf, finally relived as I get out of reach of them. "Took you long enough", I rolled my eyes, "If Y/n heard you say that-", Six interrupted me, "yeah yeah, whatever, your just like a baby". "Hey!", she had crawled into the vent already, I huffed and followed her in, grumbling the whole way. I jumped down from the vent. It seemed to be some sort of bathroom. "It reeks in here", Six nodded, absentmindedly while looking around. I turned my flashlight back on, seeing a light switch on the wall.

"Let me lift you up there", Six nodded, I kneeled and she stepped on my hands, I pushed her up and she flipped the lights on. I saw another room, I walked in, seeing another mannequin in a wheelchair, I could feel it's non existing eyes following me as I examined the room. There was a gap leading into another room, I knew it was too tall for me and Six to reach even together, so I tried to move the wheelchair, with no success. "Six come help me", I heard her feet pad over and we both started pushing, only able to move it the tiniest bit before we gave up.

Well, what now, I thought. "Mono", I turned to Six, she was standing right below the light switch, then it clicked. "Are you frigging serious?'.

Merry Christmas friends! Or if you don't celebrate, Happy Holidays! This is my gift to you :)

678 words

Unedited cause I'm tired :) point out any mistakes if you see any please 💛

Also, for people interested in Security Breach, I made a oneshot book! Read it if you want too, just wanted to tell you, bye for now!

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