let's call it quits because i don't know what this is

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His name was Sebastian,

And he lived up to all my expectations,

He was a storm with skin, he was as impure as a sin,

And I wasn’t afraid to commit that sin, again and again.

I met him on a winter day, when the sun was setting,

I knew he was a shady guy, that there was more to him, than he was letting on,

But I went with him, I followed him all the way into his frozen black little heart,

And I didn't leave, I'm sure I still haven’t, but I'm gone.

But Sebastian shall remember me forever,

Because though we never exchanged vows, or rings,

We did go out for coffee in the evenings,

And he spilled his soul to me and I caught every drop of it.

But I won't remember him, because he was the first guy who acted his age, yet didn’t,

He fit the frame of Mr. Tall, dark and handsome,

But he was scarred and he had the guts to tell me I didn't have to be his keeper,

I didn't have to be his rehab, because he knew he was and would always be, an attention seeker.

We did end on good terms though,

Sebastian and I, we were like stars in the midnight sky,

And I loved him, I loved his eyes, his smile.

What a pity we couldn’t form a constellation, him and I.

Crying Skies, Rain And Discarded MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now