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Queens With And Without Crowns

Women are queens both with and without Kings,

They are bold and lethal, and they don't always win,

Virtuous, courageous, a lady full of grace,

On track and in hurdles she finishes every race.

A ring on a her finger and gloves on, in a boxing ring,

She can raise her voice when required, and when necessary she can sing,

Velvet robes of royalty that comes from loyalty and not blood,

Ambitious and vicious she stays true to her word.

And when she builds her empire on the ruins of a thousand men,

She vows to rise to be stronger and have a peaceful reign.

A Queen is devoted and knows respect cannot be bought only earned,

And when in power she rules without expecting anything in return.

But not all of these queens have crowns on their heads,

Yet all of them want patriarchy dead.

For leaders and soldiers are made of capability and dedication,

And gender does not get to play a role in selection and building restrictions,

And both on the track, in the field, at home or on the battle field,

With or without weapons there is something they always yield,

Strength and wisdom that comes from within,

And they prove that beauty isn't just skin deep.

Approval is pleasant but not mandatory, for not everything she will be applauded,

Dedication to her game, a spirit that cannot be tamed, not every task shall be rewarded.

But she carries on, through the hurricanes and storms,

Caused by words thrown at her by society for breaking their norms.

But she shall strive and survive,

With her loved ones by her side,

And Queens come in all shapes and sizes,

Both wih virtues and vices.

And what you see in a mirror,

Is a fragment of her.

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