Protecting You

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Back at the Night Class, Kaname walked over to his couch, sitting down. He stared aimlessly out the window, "So Zero. You got the little beauty after you." He smirked, leaning back. "Let's see how long you can hold the monster back, Zero."

You glanced at the water resting in the fountain when you heard a voice, "Wait! Miss (Y/L/N)!" Hanabusa yelled, running after you. You turned around seeing Aido catching up to you. Slapping his knees while he took in deep breaths. He yelled, "I'm fast but not that fast!" 

"Explain why you are following me Aido?" You folded your arms. Aido glanced up at you, "Lord Kaname insisted I should." He breathed out. You ran your fingers through your hair, "Oh jeez, he won't let me out of his sights now."  

Aido shook his head, standing up straight, "Okay! Lets go." He yelled. "I can smell Zero." He began run west, you quickly followed. As you ran, you slowly came to a stop as you saw a hunched over figured. Blood was everywhere and coughing was heard. Your eyes widen, "Zero!" You screamed, running over to him.

Zero glared at you, "Stay back! Don't come near me!" You stopped. Staring at him, hurt.
He cried out in pain, clutching his chest tightly.

"You're hurt, Zero..." You took a step.
He grunted, "Don't come near me!" You reached out your hand but it got slapped it away. Zero coughed up more blood.

Taking in a deep breath, you moved forward, getting closer to Zero. He couldn't move, he fell onto his knees and tried to take in deep breaths.
Kneeling down, you rubbed his back.

Zero kept his face hidden, you could see the agony written on his body. He coughed, "I don't...I don't want you to see me like this..."

"But I do." You whispered. His eyes widen. You smiled sadly, "Just take in deep breaths and think of something happy and calm."

He coughed, taking in deep breaths. Holding them and then releasing after a few seconds. He repeated this for a while. Soon, he stopped coughing and he was sitting up straight, head resting against the tree. You watched as the crimson faded from his eyes.

Hanabusa stared from the distance, "He didn't show his true form." He sighed out.

Zero stared at the ground, hair blocking his eyes. You stared up at the moon.
"You shouldn't have come looking for me." Zero looked at you. You looked at him, smiling.

"Well I did, so suck it up Silver Head." You giggled, Zero chuckled. You moved closer to him, sitting next to him. Zero grabbed your hand. Gripping it tightly.

"(Y/N)..." He said your name calmly. Which made you confused, he has never said your name like that before. You looked at him, his gaze was fixed on the ground.

"People say that the people who are dead are the people who are free. I lost someone through whispers of others. She commit suicide, a gun to the head. She is free, but I loved her. She loved me. She just couldn't take it here anymore. She was hearing too many things." He looked at you in pain. "I don't want to lose you, I won't. I promise it. I swear it to the Heavens. I don't care if we will both end up as Level E's I'll still protect you and love you." His eyes so full of determination. You opened your mouth, unable to speak. The winds blew through the trees. Zero's gazed was fixed on you. His eyes looked deep into yours, but you saw something be hide those caged eyes.

"Okay, Zero." You giggled.

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