Jet Black

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You stumbled into Kanames room. Seeing him lean up against the window, staring out blankly. Hanabusa bowed and walked out the door pulling it closed after him.

Kanames eyes flicked to you then back out to the window. He watched your reflection move around the room.
"Why was he in your room?" He asked darkly. You stopped dead, "Um...who?"
He glanced at you, arms folded. You knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Zeros' brother?" You asked. Sitting on his bed. He hissed through his teeth silently and began walking slowly towards you. Looking up, all you saw was jet black eyes staring into you deeply. He pounced forward, pinning himself ontop of you. Staring up at him in surprise all you got back was a stern look.
"Don't you ever go near that disgusting creature. He will use you."
You laughed, "He actually helped me."
"With what?"
"A lot of things." You glared into his eyes.
The way his fingers curled into his sheets and how his hair fell over his eyes gave off a murderous look. You spared the deathly glance he gave you by looking over at the window.

He pushed himself off you and walked over to his desk. Leaning against it, "How do you know he won't use you."
You pushed yourself up and stared down at your shoes.
"Because I-uh...umm.." You mumbled off into the air. He huffed and the floor boards creaked as he walked over to the door, pulling it open.
"I think it's time for you to leave."
You stared at him, "Why?"
His fingers wrapped around the handle tightly, "You don't need my protection, my help or me. There is no use to talk to you if you won't listen." He stated. You jumped up, hands at hips and sending daggers at Kaname. He boiled your blood to the point where it could melt metal. You groaned as you stormed out, sending one last glare and slamming the door for that ass.
Growling to yourself, you pressed forward down the hall and out of the night class dorm. Stepping out the cold night breeze ghosted past you and the trees howled as it danced through them. Your hands curled into fist all you could do was stare.

"Blood." A small voice whispered in your head.
"Blood." It whispered again.
Hissing at the pain stabbing into your neck, you gripped it.
"Blood!" It yelled.
You fell to the ground.
"I need..." You breathed desperately. "Blood."

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