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"Kaname?" You whispered to the figure laying next to you in bed. His head turned to you, "Yes?" His breath was warm against your face, making a long brush stroke of red across your cheek. The sunlight gleamed on the closed curtains, the room was silent the only thing that could be heard was the soft breathing of Kaname.

You stayed quiet, to afraid to say anything incase it ruins the moment. He raised an eyebrow, "You're thinking about Zero. Aren't you." You nodded and looks away from Kanames gaze. He sighed and placed a hand on your cheek, "He left you (Y/N)." He whispered, stroking your cheek softly. "That bastard doesn't know what he left." He hissed out. You blushed dark from hearing the sentence he hissed out. Was that meant to be a compliment or an insult? A complimsult? (Compliment and insult together.)
You stared at his arm, to afraid to make eye contact. Kaname sighed and slip his fingers into your hair. He pulled you into him, wrapping his other arm under and around your waist. He held you so softly. Like you were a fragile figure. You stayed stiff.
"I'll protect you alright." You nodded.
"Uh...can I go to the bathroom." He slowly pulled his arms back and you pushed yourself up. Smiling at him, you got off the bed and quickly walked out and into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it. You turned around having your back on the door, you slid down and gripped your hair.
Sighing, "I can't breath...." You gripped your shirt tightly. Your eyes shaking and holding fear and sadness in them. Biting your lip, you closed your eyes.

I can't breath. He is suffocating me, it's so painful...It feels like he is pulling me with him, like he is a hawk watching me. I feel like I'm drowning in her presence. I keep calling out for air but I can't.

"Zero..." You whispered out. A single tear falling down your cheek.

Zero's POV
My head shot up.
"(Y/N)!?" I called out, scanning the area. My shoulders slouched as she wasn't even near me. I sighed out and hung my head.
The cell door got pulled back and footsteps approached me.
"You look sicker than usual brother." I forced my head away from him as he tried to pull on my chin so I would face him. He chuckled, "Stuck up as ever. You need to eat or else you die."
"I rather die." I spat. He smirked, "Alright then. I'll just take your little (Y/N)." I growled at him as he chuckled down at me. The chains holding my arms back shackled as I tried to attack him.
He pulled his mask down and crackled his knuckles, "I'm going to go pay a little visit to your beloved." He turned and began walking out.
"I swear Ichiru, if you touch her. I will kill you." I vowed. He looked back, "I'll like to see you try." Then he shut the door.
I hissed, hanging my head, "I promise (Y/N). I'll save you..." I coughed. Crimson liquid staining the ground.

Ichiru's POV
I jumped down on the ledge of the bathroom window the girl was in. After scanning the whole mansion, she was in here.
I looked inside and saw the girl huddled up on the door, head in arms and hands tightly gripping her knees. Her hair a mess and the bruises I left her weren't healing. I started to feel sorry for her.
I tapped the window. No answer.
I tapped louder. Her head slowly raising. Her eyes looked over at me, they widen and instantly she was up and scrambling over to the window. Throwing it up, she took me into her arms tightly and began crying.
"Zero..." She sobbed, burying her face deeply into my coat. I stepped inside and wrapped my arms around her.
"I'm not Zero." She froze. Slowly she began to move her face up towards mine. Her makeup smeared and her eyes red from crying. I pulled my mask up, "I'm his brother."
"H-His brother?" I nodded.
She tried to pull away but my arms held her tightly.
"Let me take care of you."
"I'm...I'm..." She stopped talking. I stared at her, "You haven't been sleeping. You can't even talk." She looked away.

She was sitting on the toilet while I was wiping off her smeared make up and fixing her up. I sighed, "I don't understand why he left you." She seemed to go stiff at that sentence.
Her blood shot eyes looked away from me, I kept wiping her make up off. Her ruined and scarred skin soon showing under all that make up. I was quite surprise.

"I'm ugly..." She whispered out. I shook my head, "You aren't."
"I am...I'm ugly and a mess."
"A mess, yes. Ugly, no." I smiled at her. She blushed.

She was quite beautiful too bad I need to kill her.

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