Coming To The Rescue

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The unbearable pain strangled around my neck, the ability to breath becoming nothing back faded. I clawed at my chest, shutting my eyes tightly trying to let out a scream. I felt impact and my flesh being torn off at my knees as I fell to the gravel.

"(Y/N)!" A voice screamed. A grunt was the only response I could function out of my dry throat. Aido fell down onto his knees next to me, his face plastered worried and his hands shake under the stress of not knowing what to do. Quickly, he jumped to his feet and pulled me up, throwing my arms over his shoulder and picking me up. All I could take in was the sweet scent of his blood pumping through his veins. "We need to get you to Kaname!" He yelled, running. I bounced in and out of his grip but all I wanted was to sink my teeth into his soft skin, sucking away at the blood and wanting more. But I restrained myself, holding my need back.

Aido screeched as he kicked open the door, "Kaname!!" He threw me onto the couch and rumbled to Kaname about the scene that just unfolded outside. Kaname's eyes fell onto me, then back to Aido sending him a sign to get out. Aido stumbled out and closed the door after him.

Kaname pinned himself ontop of me and I stared up, my eyes trailed to his neck. "You haven't been taking your blood tablets haven't you?" He glared down. I licked my lips, shaking my head. His blood smelled of roses and I wanted it all. Kaname stared at my neck for a moment, soon placing his neck ontop of my lips. I shivered, "Kaname..." I mumbled and began to lick up his neck. The scent intoxicated me. I needed it, so much. He chuckled, "Go." Then I sunk my teeth into his soft neck, tasting his thick crimson blood. I pulled away, licking at my lips and fangs. I wanted more, but I didn't need it. I licked away the remaining blood on his neck and pushed myself out of his grip. Kaname sat up, rubbed his neck and pointed to the door. My head hung low as I remembered what happened before I needed him to help me once more.

"I'm sorry. I do need your help..." I mumbled under my breath. Kaname raised his eyebrows and leaned back on the couch, staring up at the roof. I gripped onto my knees, "I just need Zero back!" I bit my lip. He chuckled, "He is a strong kid. If you want him back you're going to have to forget you ever loved him." I jumped back, staring at Kaname in disbelief.
"No, you're joking right?" I smiled weakly. Kaname shook his head and stared into my eyes. I pushed myself up and crackled my knuckles.

"I'm not doing that." I whispered, staring out the window. I held my breath and looked at the stars. "I'll go find him. I'll save him. He can't be far..." I breathed out. Kaname smirked, pushing himself up and stood next to me, bending down I could feel his soft breath against my ear. "And how will you do that if you can't even win an arm wrestle." I bit my lip.

"I'll fight with weapons. Zero left one of his guns in his room, I'll take a knife that has been in his drawer and his gun and go looking for him." I quickly moved away from him and stalked over to the door. Kaname smirked, "Take Shiki with you if you go, I trust he will protect you." I huffed and made my way out of the Night Class Dorm.

I made my way to the Boys Dorm and walked down the carpet hallway, tying my hair up and crackling my knuckles once more. The windows showed there reflections as I stalked my way down the hall. I pushed open Zeros' wooden door and stepped in. I moved my way to his drawer and began to dig through searching for the stainless steal weapon through the piles of clothes. My finger tips ghosted over a cold steal, "Bingo." I pulled it out, looking at it. The steal shined and surprisingly it was very light. I breathed out, pulling the barrel back hearing the click and letting it go. I checked the ammo which was fully loaded. I dug around deeper and found some more bullets, shoving that in my pocket I pushed the drawer closed and strapped the gun to the inside of my jacket. I moved over to his bed and pulled open the bed side drawer finding the knife lying silently in its case. I wrapped my fingers around the black case and pulled it out of its resting spot. I unleashed the blade slowly and the small glint of light hitting the silver blade made me second think my path I decided to take. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and thought of Zero and how much pain he must be in. I pushed the knife back into its case and placed it on my skirt belt.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and slowly made my way to the cabinet, swinging the mirror door open and receiving a small bottle of blood tablets. Screwing the cap off I took a glance inside and so the pills. Enough to last a month. I sighed and placed the bottle in my pocket, closed the mirror door and walked out of Zeros room. I pushed a strain of hair back behide my ear and stepped forward out of the Boys' Dorm and down the steps away from the academy, I smiled as I looked at the window that was my room, smiling I whispered a goodbye to my best friend; Yoka. I pressed forward and shoved my hands into my pocket.

"You're not leaving without me." An emotionless voice called out. I turned on my heel and saw a red haired man make his way down the steps, Pocky stick in his mouth. "You must be Shiki." I smiled. He nodded and stopped once infront of me. "Kaname told me to look after you while you go on your little rescue." I nodded. He sighed out and stared at the sky, "Do you even know where you are heading?" His eyes glanced at mine. My voice caught in my throat all I could do was shake my head, " about that..." I began to play with my fingers. "You have no idea where he actually is." He raised his eyebrows up at me. I nodded in defeat.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Well. Lets get to it." Then he bit the end of his Pocky stick off.

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