I'm A Monster

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"I want (Y/N). She is mine, not your doll." Zero spat. Kaname chuckled, standing up.

"She is a vampire. She is staying with us. You," He smirked. "You won't be able to protect her." You were frozen solid, your finger nails dug into the sides of your waist as you watched the scene unfold.

Zero grunted, his fist tightening at his sides, "I can protect her." His gaze glued on the leader of the Night Class. He snickered, "You just take whatever you want. Thinking you can get away with you. You can with some things, but not (Y/N)!" Zero yelled, sprinting towards Kaname. Kaname dodged swiftly, firing a kick into Zeros' stomach but he caught his leg, slamming him into the ground. Kaname chuckled, standing.

Dusting off the dirt on his shirt, he glanced at you. "Will she ever see your true form Zero?" You cocked your eyebrows, staring at Zero. He grunted, "Shut up!" He jumped towards Kaname, throwing a punch. Kaname caught his fist, digging his nails into Zero's fist.

Both of their eyes turned red, heavy breathing coming from Zero. Kaname stared at Zero, fire in his deep red eyes, "See, you are unable to keep your monster at bay it appears." He smirked.

"You should never show your real form around (Y/N). She is to innocent for that." Kaname strictly said. Kicking Zero's stomach, he was flown back. Zero hit the wall, causing a deep hole to be created in the stone wall.

You gasped, covering your mouth. To scared to move, to frozen to speak. All you could do was watch.

Zero grunted, pushing himself up. He wiped the blood from his lip and glared towards Kaname, "You think I would let (Y/N) see my true form?" He snickered. "Never. I'm to hideous to be seen by her eyes." He stood up straight. Kaname smirked, running his fingers through his hair.

"You're a monster, Zero." Kaname calmly spoke. He walked towards you, lifting up your chin. "And she is a beauty. Those two don't mix." Zero grunted. Clutching his fist tighter.

You whimpered, leaning back. You were scared, both were getting hurt. They were fighting because of you.

"Leave Zero." Kaname glared at him. He breathed out, sending one last glare at Kaname then a soft one at you. Then he left the room. Once the door closed, you felt a warm embrace calm you.

"It's okay, he is gone now. It's your choice on what to do. Zero has lost it and I don't want to see you hurt." He pulled away, holding your shoulders softly. He gave you a sweet smile, you pushed his hand away, "I have to go Kaname. Thank you but please," You looked out the window. Kaname nodded, "I understand." And led you downstairs where you were left to leave.

Zero walked through the garden, hands pasted on the trees to keep him up and eyes glued to the ground. The bright half moon, shined down on him. He could hear his heart in his ears and his breath was getting more heavy. Clutching his chest, his swallowed heavily. He coughed, blood spilling on the ground.

"It's getting...stronger..." He coughed. The hand on the tree now in a fist. He glared at the ground, cursing the day he was born.

"I'm a monster..." He whispered. 

You raced through the courtyard, eyes frantically looking around for that silver haired boy. You sighed as you stopped near the fountain and began to think as to where he should be. 

Don't Come Back For Me.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ