It's Over.

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My fist tightly held, I growled. She came all this way, all this way and I left. Grinding my teeth has the clicking of my shoes were heard all around me. The halls held a dense smell of blood, her blood.
"Ah. Zero, I see you have escaped." She giggled, biting down on her lollipop the crunch of it filled the room.
I shoved my hand into my shirt, "Yeah. I am." I reached out the silver bloody rose slowly. I heard her giggled, I saw her silky lilac hair flow gracefully as she quickly stepped behide me.
"My," Her small hands reached my shoulders. "Haven't you grown?" Her hand rubbed my shoulder with caution. I growled, "Get that off me." I slapped her hand off. "I don't want a beast like you touching me." I spun on my heel to face her. Her dead eyes stared into mine, "Oh, why not?" Her lips curved into a smirk.
Pressing the barrel into her temple, I gave her death. The pistols scream filled my eyes and the smoke from the impact appeared but I heard nothing.
I wiped my eyes, wiping away the decay of smoke. I heard a soft, sweet giggle.
I grunted. How? How was I slow? Did I become weak?
I gripped my neck as the sanitation of blood weighted on my mind.
"Oh." She smirked. I dropped to my knees, absorbing deep breathe.
"You're low on blood." She bent down and her slim fingers pushed my hair out of my eyes. Her facial expression changed as she watched my eyes turn to crimson. Her hand slowly moved her hair, showing her pale neck.

"Be mine, Zero." Her words sounded like venom. I couldn't resist. Slowly, I leaned down, sinking my fangs into her skin. She gasp as if pleasure sunk into her body. She wrapped her arms around my neck, I smirked as I reached for my Bloody Rose. I took one last gulp and pressed the barrel to her head. I felt her dog her nails into my back.
The siren of the after shit of the pistol filled the room. I breathed out, wiping the extra blood off my lip. Her lifeless body fell to the ground and instantly turned to ash.
I grunted as I stood up, "Shit." I mumbled.
I kicked the ash that rested at my feet.
She was gone.

Your POV 

I couldn't wait outside much longer but reassuring gun shot sent me a small push of hope. Shiki bit down on his pocky stick, the crunch sent a sharp shiver down my spine. 

"Do you think he is alright?" I picked at my nails as I felt my throat close up with the agony of waiting any longer. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Shiki shrug. The dark sky held its gaze at the ground. 

"We should go." His voice came out emotionless just like all the other times he spoke. My eyes glared at him in disbelief. 

"We aren't going anywhere." I spat at him. His eyes widen as he heard the venom on in my voice. My fist tighten as I knew time was going by and I was left waiting for Zero. 

The wind picked up, dancing through the trees. The owls howled in their cursed lullaby as a soft bell was heard. Silver hair was seen. 

I took a small step forward, "Zero?" I called out softly. His tall figure stepped out from the shadows, his brothers' silver blade katana that had the bell gently wrapped around it was gripped in one hand. He looked up at me softly. His eyes were dull and the smell of blood lingered off him. I slammed my feet on the broken pavement, tripping and stumbling as I ran to him. He stood there completely still, his eyes never left my body as he opened his arm and I fell into them tightly. The sound of the katana colliding with the ground was heard and soon he wrapped his firm arms around me. Our hands brushed over each others bodies and we breathed in each other scents. 

I shut my eyes, gripping onto his blood stained shirt that was torn in different places. 

"(Y/N)..." He breathed out as he buried his head into my hair. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long..." He whispered into my ear as his hands tangled in my hair. Tears fell from my eyes and I rubbed my face into his chest. 
"No. It's fine." I laughed brokenly. 
"You were so strong." He sighed out. Our legs gave up and we fell to the ground, he embraced me as I cried and all he repeated was I love you.

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