Chapter 6

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April 19th  2022- Age 16 1/2 years old

"Robbie, shut up!".

"Don't talk to me like that young lady!".

"Don't talk at me like you're my father! Get your bigoted, over inflated head outta your ass!".

"Don't you dare yell at me after you come home like that!".

"Oh my god! You're acting like I came home drunk and pregnant!".

"This is worse!".

"It's a fucking tattoo, sorry, do you need to know everything, suppose you think your entitled to, so here you go! My mom decided that for my birthday, ya know the day she pushed me out of her, we could get tattoos for Annalise, who is the other human she pushed out, but ya know she had to bury and watch them stick a purple butterfly on my crib. So my mom took me to a shop, one with needles and ink and when we left, look what we had".

Robbie froze as Thomas and Elizabeth stepped forward, "Nobody else in this room will ever know the same pain, mom carried her for nine months only to have to bury her and raise me. I shared a womb with her for nine months, she's my twin sister, only to be raised alone with mom, so fuck off Robbie, you don't know everything".

Eli's arm was wrapped , two tattoos laid on her once clear, unblemished skin. Two red hearts conjoined together with the words Love you every day, sat on her wrist, while just above the hearts sat two angel wings with the letter A in the middle. Lizzie had a very small Love You scrawled in cursive on her left wrist, they weren't much, but Robbie decided to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Eli turned on her heel and started towards the stairs, "Marvel, Scarlet, Buttercup, let's go!".

Thomas followed Eli and the dogs upstairs, she grabbed a suitcase from the hall closet and started to throw clothes in, "Li, calm down, take a minute before you keep packing".

"No, I've spent months being treated like shit because mom told him when they first got together it's gonna be me first", she turned to Thomas, tears pooling in her eyes, "I'm sick of it, I'm going to Aunt Lilah's for a few days, how I haven't seen since she left because Robbie didn't like her, you know I haven't seen my dad in ages because Robbie is insistent on replacing him".


"Go home, I'll call you later", she turned to her bathroom to grab toiletries.

Thomas walked out, not wanting to argue, Elizabeth looked at the front door as it closed behind him and decided to go check on her daughter. Eli pulled her suitcase down the stairs, "Mom, I'm staying with Aunt Lilah's for a while, I need to get out, please", Elizabeth could see the tear stains on her daughter's face.

"Fine, did you call her?".

She nodded, "She said she would text you and then come pick me up".

Eli ran to the living room, and waited for the knock on the front door, which took around an hour, "Hey kiddo, got your stuff?".

The mother and daughter hugged before Eli and her suitcase disappeared into Delilah's car.

Eli Olsen *Being Rewritten/Edited*Where stories live. Discover now