Chapter I [The Secret Behind The Ring]

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Episode Release Date: 17th April 2021

  It was 06:05 of morning in the Netherworld. At another second, a pair of Hellraiser Clocks crowed to signal the time of awaking to the day anew. In their beds sat up twins Suzuki Ryūko and Iruma, descended from the Human Realm and adopted by a demon.

  Iruma, the male twin in purple nightwear, stretched his arms out as he walks to his window. As compared to the atmosphere in the Human Realm, the birds are larger and monsterous, whirlwinds of dark clouds slowly stirred without eruptions in clear skies. "Today will be another great day!" Said Iruma. Ryūko, the female elder twin, brushed up her dark azure hair before looking upon the same view at her window. "Thanks be to the Lord of this realm for the safety of the previous night." Said Ryūko.

  After preparations, Ryūko and Iruma greeted their adoptive demon grandfather and demon cat butler, Sullivan for the former and Opera for the latter. "Good morning, Grandfather/Grandpa and Opera-san!" Greeted the twins. "Good demo-rning, Ryūko-chan and Iruma-kun!" Cheerfully greeted Sullivan moving aside the newspapers in hand. "Good morning." Greeted Opera.

  In front of the twins laid what appeared to be a strange worm-like dish, fish stew, a salad bowl and a stack of pancakes. "Wow, this looks great!" Gleamed Iruma, "Down the hatch!" "Of which, we shall." Added Ryūko with her hands in a prayer and monotone voice. Iruma was already enjoying his breakfast, as his expression suggested his satisfaction. The latter sibling was keeping a noble posture while she silently eats. "Your Hell Gray teas." Said Opera serving the twins cups of tea. "Thank you, Opera." Thanked Ryūko politely with Iruma.

  Resting his face in both hands, Sullivan addressed Ryūko and Iruma and got their attention for a certain manner. "It appears that your Ring Of Pride and Gluttonous Feeder Ring are a bit hungry." Said the elder demon, "Let's feed them some of my magic power. The rings need their fills, too." He extended his arm towards their raised arms and his nail touched their rings one at a time. At that touch, both rings emitted a purple glow before they shortly lit up in their designated colours: platinum for the Ring of Pride and gold for the Gluttonous Feeder Ring. "Now they should be full." Said Sullivan. "Thank you, Grandfather/Grandpa." Said Ryūko and Iruma in sync. Sullivan turned into a sort of egg-shaped form in his cheery mood and said, "Make sure you eat your fill, too, kiddos!"

  At the gate outside of the Sullivan Mansion, a trio of voices greeted the Suzuki twins. "Ryūko and Iruma-chi! Good morning 4 you!" Greeted the playful girl in green hair, Valac Clara, "5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12..." "Ryūko and Iruna-sama!" Addressed Asmodeus Alice, the noble male demon in white and gold, "Let us head to school." "Good morrow, my lieges!" Greeted Dame Félin Lavande, the feline lady knight in purple. That said, Ryūko and Iruma rushed out the mansion to meet their friends. "We shall meet after school!" Said Ryūko, "Indeed, good morrow to you three!" "Iruma-chi, your cowlick is devi-devi on point." Complimented Clara. "You fool. This is no cowlick. This is clearly Iruma-sama's fantasic hairstyle." Argued Asmodeus before his attention turned to Iruma, "Wait... Perhaps I should have the same hairstyle as..." "Sir Asmodeus, best to think not, nor should you intend." Suggested Lavande.

  "Is that so?" Asked Asmodeus, "In that case, Iruma-sama, allow me to carry bag!" "Oh, it's fine." Said Iruma, "I'll carry-" Clara then tried taking Iruma's bag, saying that she'll offer to carry it, which brought Asmodeus telling her to stay out of it. But Clara asked Iruma persistantly, using the word "please" several times before Iruma decided to hand his bag to her- he cannot refuse when someone asks him for something, he is the ulitimate pushover, after all. "Would you like me to have your baggage under my care, Lady Ryūko?" Asked Lavande. "Thank you for your kindness, Lavande." Said Ryūko, "But much would I prefer to handle my belongings personally. If ever at any sjtuation, I will inform you to be of assistance." "But of course, I am at your service, my lady." Bowed the cat demon.

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