Chapter IV Part I [The Student Council President's Gaze]

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Episode Release Date: 8th May 2021

In A Common Room

  As stated in the previous chapter, where we left off, Ameri entered the Common Room Ryūko and Iruma were in. This time, she seems to be in her usual Student Council attire again. "President Azazel, has it come to our attention you have reverted back to your normal state?" Asked Ryūko. "Ryūko. Iruma...-san." Slumped Ameri to the floor covering where she feels is exposing, "Please don't stare at me for so long! This outfit is just too embarassing!" "What the?!" Thought Iruma. "I guess not...." Sighed Ryūko.

  Iruma then brought Ameri a blanket for her to cover where is vulnerable. "What's the matter? Why are you back in your original outfit?" Asked Iruma. "Perhaps she thought going back to her usual clothes would bring the magic thread in her throat to a snap." Deduced the cambion. "She's right. But at this rate, we're going to lose to the election. I will cause trouble for all of you." Said Ameri, "I gigured the least I can do would be... t-to look the part..." "Trouble? But you're doing your best." Objected Iruma, "You're doing your duties for the Student Coun-" "But I'm not!" Countered the President, "I'm very aware that you've all been filling in for me. You're the only ones I can tell this to, Ryūko and Iruma-san. I love everyone in the Student Council. They's so proud, so sincere, and they care so much about me. It made me so happy. Their precious loyalty... Everything they said and did was so kind. But that was all for my former self. She's the one you all admire so much." The demoness's eyes were filled with cowardice and tears are at their limits of release, "That's why I'm scared! I want nothing but the best for this school, but I have no confidence that my current self can accomplish that, and I'm scared! I'm scared I'm going to fail! I'm scared that everyone's going to speak ill of you all because of me! I'm scared... of not living up to everyone's expectations... especially a fact that Ryūko values pride..." "I do value pride, but not as much as the pride of the entire academy." Thought Ryūko, "My own pride contradicts that of the whole of Babyls Demon School. Prinzessin der Däemonen, you are held responsible for every action and commitment you take as a princess. But a real princess would never abandon the allies she values with all her life."

  "So maybe I could run away and give up being the President, and attend classes as a normal student." Said Ameri, "I could read books and have tea with you... I could enjoy such peaceful days. If you... If you accept me as who I am right now, I will stay by your side forever..." "Objection! That is an ideal, not an ambition." Yelled Ryūko, "Iruma, you do the honours. A royal diplomat has said enough for a day." Iruma held Ameri's arms in his objection as Ryūko said such and flashback resurface. "That's what you told us, President." Continued Iruma, "You always worked so hard for your ambitions, had so much confidence, and go through any hardship for the sake of your ambitions. I think that's why everyone looks up to you so much." "To do what your heart desires the most is much a question the rivalled souls." Added Ryūko, "To fade into the air is what brings persistance no longer. One must never give in to the binds of karma's malevolant temptations to be executed inhumanly." "What she said. And if you can do that outside of the Student Council, I think it's fine if you quit. After all, they all said it wasn't the President they were following, but you, Ameri-san." Elaborated Iruma.

  While actions speak louder than words, it will always be the ones you trust the most that you may keep heart within yourself at times where you dwell into the abyss of despair. Ameri had tears in her eyes from what the Suzuki twins said to support her. "But I'm so timid right now..." Said Ameri. "And that's alright!" Said Ryūko. "I'm clumsy and can't even give out orders like you do." Countered the fallen President. "We'll back you up!" Added the younger female. Iruma laid his hand on Ameri's cheeks and had her to look at him. "It's okay. Please keep your head up." Said Iruma, "Regardless of your appearance and personality, chasing your dreams makes you a lovely lady."

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