Chapter XXI Part I [Mingles of Togetherness]

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  On the hellphone, Haruno was making requests to Lead regarding something called a Sabbath. "There will be four of us, so... Can you gather four people?" Asked Haruno. "Yup! No problem!" Replied Lead. "Bring someone cool, okay?" Added Haruno. "Leave it to me!" Said Lead before he turned down the phone. Whatever they must be planning should be exciting, judging by his expression. Now, to figure out what a Sabbath in the Netherworld is.


Originally the meeting of fellow demons. Noawadays, it has becomes an established way of meeting with the opposite sex of friends or aqquaintances.
To put it simply, it's a mixer or a hangout.

Out In The Open

  With that subject in mind, looks like Lead has gathered Jazz, Sabro and Iruma to the Sabbath. They seemed ready, but let's figure out why a Sabbath in the first place. "We didn't have much fun at school until now!" Said Lead, "Our End-of-Terminus can't end without having some fun with cute girls!" "But we've been to Walter Park with Ameri-san, Clara, Onē-chan and our other girl classmates." Said Iruma. "We barely talked! We were fighting the whole time!" Corrected Lead, "Our memories of that place were dark! It's important for our school life that we hang out with cute girls! We are going to make our days brighter!" "After all, there are fewer demon girls than boys in our class." Added Jazz, "Getting closer with girls from other classes is not a bad idea." "It's important to know your subjects..." Thought Sabro aloud. "Does Jazz-kun mean networking?" Wondered Iruma. "But why this line-up?" Asked Jazz. "Asmodeus would just steal all the girls, and Camui's out of the question." Said Lead, "Sabro is a bit risky, but we have to take our chances here." "Your gambling habit is showing..." Commented Jazz. "Anyway! Time to say goodbye to our dull school life!" Shouted Lead with his pals in a huddle.

At Devix Teahouse

  It was then, the boys met up in a reserved table in Devix Teahouse. Facing them from the door to the other end were Haruno, Azuki, Konatsu and Dosanko. They all greeted each other in a warm reception. What could go wrong? For Lead, it's definitely something because he told his group beforehand what not to do in order to make sure the girls group doesn't get scared off. For Sabro, he's not allowed to talk about any topic related the the Demon King- actually, make that not talking at all. Then Jazz has to make sure he's not pickpocketing, nothing too surprising. And Iruma... he can just be himself, given how much of a dense, yet sweet cinnamon roll he is. Now, Lead told the boys that a Sabbath is all about teamwork, but that was a lie- A Sabbath is a war for him because he has a plan, that is to stand out while hid pald keep quiet in order to have the girls to himself and be the star of the hangout. Yikes, talk about greedy.

  Anyways, Konatsu and Dosanko had small talk with Sabro. "Sabro-kun, you're so tall!" Said Konatsu. "Like the Demon King!" Described Dosanko. Sabro was about to say something about the Demon King as he usually did, but remembered that he shouldn't speak of such. Instead, he gave "I see" as a reply. That was a swell move because he made his female peers fluttering hearts by masculinity and coolness. Lead wasn't expecting the reception to go so well. Up with Iruma and Haruno, there came the discussion concerning the former's presence after the incident at Walter Park. "You and your sister, now the Prinzessin der Babyls, defeated the beasts, right?" Asked Haruno, "I've seen the news! Is it alright for you to be here? Your sister at Battler and school work included?" "It'll be harder for reporters to find us if we're not at home. Opera-san said so." Answered Iruma, "But about my sister, she's not with me and is too scary for the reporters to approach because of how stern and intimidating she is, even by a glare." "You're so small, but you're amazing, Iruma-kun!" Complimented Haruno, "Even your hands are small! So cute!" "But... I think girls' hands are cuter and prettier." Said Iruma modestly. Oh, sweet little Iruma. He doesn't know how his words come to flirt, even if he's this cute. "This is... Iruma-kun being himself?" Asked Lead internally, "This is bad, Jazz-kun!" Guess it was only bad for Lead, because three large coins and three small coins held between Jazz's fingers vanished in his grab. "Amazing! How did you do that?" Asked Azuki. "Hmm? A secret." Said Jazz, "I get restless when I don't move my hands." A magician never reveals their secrets. Lead was left out, being unable to impress anyone thus far. If he wanted to be the star of the Sabbath, he'll have to make a good impression or trick. Then, Haruno ate a spoon of some food, but was unable to identify its flavour. That was a desperate move Lead of using his bloodline ability Controller (Sensory Bandit). Did he manage to get the buzzer? Nope. Instead, he was greeted with laughs from Haruno and a flat response of interest from Azuki as Komatsu ordered more juice. "I expected slightly different reactions." Thought Lead, "Where are the sparkling hearts...?" "Ah, excuse us for a sec." Said Haruno in pardoning. "Gotta powder our noses." Said Konatsu before the girls left the boys in the reserved room.

  Lead slouched in gloom of the aftermath, given how he failed to impress any of the ladies. "A-Are you alright, Lead-kun?" Asked Iruma. "We're getting along with the girls." Said Jazz. "No! It's too early to celebrate!" Objected Lead, "When they're away, they have their "Mini-Sabbath" and are talking about us! We need to hear what they are really thinking!" And with that, he stole the hearing of a customer near the female students in order to listen to their conversation. "So.. which one do you like?" Asked Haruno. "I like Sabnock-kun! He looks strong!" Said Konatsu. "I think... Jazz-lun." Said Azuki shyly, "Those bad boy vibes... so cool." "I like Iruma-kun. He's adorable!" Said Haruno, "And being the Chair-Demon's grandson is a big plus!" Upon hearing this, Lead slouched with an irritated glare before he found something who took the liking of him. But this wasn't going to end the way he wanted because that girl was Dosanko, who found his ability quite amusing and would let him steal her sense of smell. Just out of all people, and when in the world does she have a nose?! With that result, the greedy gamer was down on the floor. "Lead-kun, are you okay?" Asked Iruma. "It wasn't supposed to end like this..." Shivered Lead. Jeez, when will he ever learn?

  When the girls returned, they changed seats and the fun continued with a large parfait and a game where players get picked in a draw to play as the Demon King. When Dosanko got the said prompt, Lead couldn't wait for things to be over because he didn't like Dosanko one bit. Later that evening, it was time to part ways as the girls said their farewells to the boys. They all had so much fun- Well, except for Lead, of course. It was without a doubt a punishment for being greedy. Or so he thought as Iruma thanked him for the day's hangout, leaving the gamer perplexed. "You wanted us to have fun, right?" Asked Jazz. "We had a great time!" Said Iruma. "There hirls were happy, too. Good job!" Praised Sabro. "Next time, I'll introduce you to some beautiful upperclassmen." Said Jazz, "I think older girls will like you. Anyway, thank you for arranging this, Lead-kun!" Well, would you look at that. Guess it wasn't so bad for all of them after all. Lead was overjoyed and made his apologies in tears, leaving Iruma confused of why. Sabro looked over at Jazz with his phone, which showed a picture of everyone with the large parfait. The taller male decided to share it in a folder they made in Walter Park with the captions "Dinner with girls".

  But that didn't get positive responses as many were jealous of the occured Sabbath. "Iruma-sama! Where are you?!" Typed Asmodeus. "Iruma-chi, not fair!" Complained Clara, "I wanna go, too!" "Iruma... we need to talk." Said Ameri, clearly enveloped by romantic envy. "Does this really have to concern the fact I'm better of at work?" Questioned Ryūko, "Such a waste of time when Kalego-sensei gave us increased homeworks. Shame on you." "Deets!" Said Camui. "Curse you! Curse you!" Typed Goemon. "That looks like fun." Said Yanna, "Wish I was there." Looks like that wasn't ending well as much as we thought it would be. And just like that, the notifications went on for an hour as Ryūko muted notifications from the group for the rest of the day. She doesn't seem to like the idea of leaving work on the desk unfinished, even on her breaks.

Next Chapter: Chapter XXI Part II [Demonic Etiquette]

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