Chapter VII [The Teachers At Babyls]

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Episode Release Date: 29th May 2021

In The Faculty Office

  "Are they here yet?" Asked Robin at the door whilst Kalego was having his work done. "Robin-sensei, what's the matter?" Asked a teacher. "But of course, I'm waiting for the Misfit Class to visit me so they can get my seal on their permission slip." Replied Robin, "Maybe I'll just stamp Kalego-sensei's for them, too!" Kalego stood up and signed overhearing the conversation before making a move out of the office.

  "He just never learns..." Worried the teacher speaking with Robin, "If Kalego-sensei saw him doing thi- And there he is!" Right off the bat, the said colleague opened the door with a menacing aura as his eyes glowed red. Before Robin could tell his plans, Kalego harshly held his face before performing an unspeakable and anoymenous punishment. Having that said, it must have really been painful by the sound of the victim's screams.

In Front Of Royal One

  "Kalego-sensei's belongings?" Asked Jazz, being assigned the Misfit's vanguard. "Indeed, plot that is of the Prinz der Außenseiter- translated to Prince of the Misfits." Said Ryūko, giving Iruma a new alias and fluent German. "Wh-What?" Studdered Asmodeus. "Th-That is just asking for it..." Objected Goemon. "We're gonna end up in the hospital rather than the Royal One." Added Lead. "No..." Muttered Keroli in fear. "A matter of life or death!" Panicked Allocer.

  "We are beginning with a grand quest, effective immediately." Elaborated Ryūko, "But that is what we perform, and..." "Doesn't it sound exciting?" Continued Iruma with his and Ryūko's index fingers above their smirks. "Okay, troublemakers." Chuckled Jazz, "So... what am I taking?" "Your task effective immediately, Prinz." Instructed Ryūko, "You know what to do." "On it, Anēki- or should I say... Prinzessin?"

In A Hallway

  Kalego was walking down a hallway within the school, still unshaken by his placement. "Honestly... I'm surrounded by fools." He said. "Kalego-sensei." Addressed Jazz walking up to his teacher, accompanied by Iruma. "What? Giving up already?" Asked Kalego. "Nah, we just have a favour to ask." Replied Jazz. "You see... I wanted you to be my familiar." Explained Iruma. "What?" Asked Kalego confused. "Well, it'd be difficult to get a stamp from you as an instructor, so I thought I'd get one from my familar, Eggie-chan." Jested the boy with a permission form and summoning seal in hand. "You fool! How dare you?!" Detested Kalego in anger, "Give me that familar seal, you!" "Oh, come on!" Tested Iruma, "It'll be over in a jiffy and you can have it back." "That's not the problem here!" Elaborated the angry instructor. "Come on, please?" Asked the student.

  With Kalego distracted by Iruma, it was Jazz's time to make his move. "I've only got a moment." Thought Jazz.

The Andro Familiy's Bloodline Ability: (X-Ray Vision) Pit

It allows all in the Andro family to see what target is hiding and the quickest way to take it.

The rings on each of Jazz's fingers clack more loudly the more he moves them, making his target notice him.

He's third-rate if he's heard. This is a self-imposed limitation... rather, a collar.

His fingers, spread as far apart as they will go, move as freely ad if they were snakes, giving them the nickname "Serpant Thieves".

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