Chapter IX [Studying In The Netherworld]

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Episode Release Date: 12th June 2021

In Iruma's Room

  Iruma, in the greeting dawn and calm of piano keys, was reminiscing of all the past events that occured him and Ryūko. "Onē-chan and I were sold off by our stupid parents and became our grandpa's grandchildren." Recalled Iruma, "So much has happened since then. Life-or-death situations... Though they're our grandpa's powers, we've been able to use magic more, and we somehow managed to make it this far. But now... I'm facing my greatest enemy! And that's... studying." Oh dear, it appears the scattering of books and notes on his floor tell us something. That was exactly what he said. Will he be able to pass the upcoming End-Of-Terminus Examination?

A Few Mornings Before
At Babyls Demon School, School Gates

  As for why Iruma was working hard on his studies, let's rewind a bit to a few mornings before today. "Iruma-chi, look!" Beckoned Clara, "There's a kitty! A kitty-cat!" No, don't be silly. Lavande was definitely not the cat Clara was talking about. She was referring to the kitten with black-fur and a single horn on its forehead resting on the fence. It yawned upon its morning nap. "Stop pulling on Iruma-sama, Valac!" Said Asmodeus, "More importantly, Iruma-sama, I heard the cafeteria is getting new items!" "Yeah.. So, hey... What's up with you two?" Asked Iruma, who was having Clara clinging onto him and Asmodeus cautiously escorting him, "I mean, Lavande's not being any means, um, clingy..." "Seriously, Asmodeus-san. I thought you were much better at basic etiquette than this." Sighed Ryūko with disappointment. "Pay no mind." Reassured Asmodeus. "Pay every mind." Said Clara. "Now, let us proceed to the Misfit Class's new room of education." Said Lavande. "Which Ryūko and Iruma-sama secured for us! The Royal One!" Added the noble in white and gold.

In The Royal One

  In the presence of their fellow classmates, Asmodeus and Clara were still hanging close of Iruma. As for Ryūko and Lavande, nothing much between the noblewomen. "Get a room, you guys." Said Lead. "My, how passionate." Smiled Elizabetta. "They're like sardines." Commented Goemon. "Well, they surely are like sticky notes, but inseperatable." Said Kaminari.

  "Um... who's looking after who again?" Asked Yanna. "Clara's anxious that I might go through my evil cycle again." Said Iruma. "Anxious, huh?" Asked Lead. "She looks like a kid who just had a nightmare." Said Jazz. "What about Azz-kun, then?" Asked Lead. "I am afraid it would be the same to his duty as Sir Iruma's attendant, keeping certain distance of to which he may observe a change... or so he said to me." Said Lavande, "It does seem more like closely watching him. A nightingale waiting in the darkness to silently grab its prey." And she really wasn't joking when she said that. Asmodeus is clearly latched onto Iruma. "What about you, Ryūko-san?" Asked Yanna, "Lavande-san doesn't seem to be acting like the other two." "Ah. That might be because I personally stated to let me have proper breathing space, Siegfried-san." Said Ryūko, "Thus I do not allow such frivelousness." "Oh. I see." Said Yanna.

  "Looks like you're loved, Iruma-kun." Said Lead. "Y-Yeah." Concured Iruma. "They must have missed you very much." Said Elizabetta. That was where Sabro tried to get Clara off of Iruma, but she's a complete tick on a creature. "She won't let go." Said Sabro before trying his usual back-climbing trick, "Come now, you strange beast. Hop on. It's your favourite pastime. Climbing onto Sabro." Despite that, Clara seriously refused. "We've got some tasty treats for you, too." Said Goemon with a tray of cookies. "See? Look at this delicious macaron cake." Said Elizabetta with a delectable work of art on a plate. Neither have worked on Clara. Even more ridiculous was that Lead tried to get Asmodeus to let go with a piece of candy. "Lookie, Azz-Azz, I have some treats for you." He beckoned. That was a really bad idea, because it would only give a glare of fire as a result.

Welcome To Demon School! Ryūko-chan & Iruma-kun [Volume II]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora