Chapter XVIII [My Desire]

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Episode Release Date: 15th August 2021

  With Ryūko and Iruma in front of Romiere's defense, there were only two entities to call. "Can you do it, Ali-san?" Requested Iruma. "Sure thing, partner!" Replied Alikred appearing out of the Gluttonous Feeder Ring. "Reficul, I summon thee!" Called Ryūko. "In your name, I appear, Mein Fraülein!" Responded Reficul from the Ring of Pride. Both outstretched their arms to face against the Magical Composite Beast and activated Ifrit Mode to their rings. "We need to gobble up all of that thing's mana, Ali and Reficul-san!" Said Iruma. Gobble up?! Really, Iruma?! That was uncalled for with your companions on the line. "Wait! Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Exclaimed Alikred, "Uh, we're supposed to take in that much?! I didn't hear anything about this! I just said, "Sure thing!" But, uh..." "I would prefer to destroy that amount of mana, if that's possible." Said Ryūko, "Hold in one's mouth and destroy, I mean." "W-Well... Since the Gluttonous Feeder Ring and the Ring of Pride can suck up mana, I figured it was the only option." Said Iruma. "H-He's talking to himself, Ronove?" Wondered Romiere.

  "That's asking me and Reficul to do a lot if we go with your option, Iru-boy." Complained Alikred, "Chugging that in one go is harder than you think, you jerk!" "But with Mein Fraülein's decision to eradicate the mana, it should come sufficient." Objected Reficul. "What if we bundle the mana up and then destroy it?" Asked Ryūko, "Given Alikred can consume a lot of Grandfather's magic, Reficul and I may use something we've tried recently into work." "Wrap up tight instead of gobble? That's a good idea, Onē-chan!" Said Iruma. "Hm... Well... I guess your idea sounds easier to work with, Madam." Remarked Alikred, "But we're both gonna need a bunch of your strength, too!" The twins nodded and listened to Alikred and Reficul's instructions: think back when they made the entities their current form, imagine them indivisually wrapping and destroying the opponent's mana. Cherusil has been recited- Alikred took the form of ghostly sack and Reficul to the shape of a large serpent. The former trapped the mana of the beast, but left a secret opening for the latter to enter. The serpent dived in, but all the sudden, its end began to crystalise upon entering the sack. Inside the clothed bag, it constricted the beast and mana before swallowing them whole. The sack then removed itself and the monsterous entiry was surrounded entirely with black crystals before all that was consumed cracks and shatters with a pang. The beast's corpse was nowhere to be seen, only pieces of black quartz close to obsidian or tourmaline. Iruma fell back from the impact of using up his strength and Ryūko caught him in time. "You okay?" Asked the latter. "I-I'm fine." Replied the former, "But, what was with those crystals?"

Suzuki Ryūko's Official Bloodline Ability: Shadow Quartz

Now that her demonic growth has heightened a bit further, the perfection inside her devilish blood reveals she can manipulate crystals of dark magical energy to her own will.

The clan who holds this ability remains a prideful mystery waiting for the Prinzessin to unlock.

  The beasts sigils spun into the air and cleared the skies upon disappearing. Asmodeus, Lavande, Sabro and Ameri rushed up to Ryūko and Iruma. They all panicked while asking if they were alright or not after what they did. "Thank goodness they're safe." Sigjed Shichiro of relief. Kalego, still as his famikiar self, flew over to his students. "Ryūko! Iruma!" He addressed, "You pushed yourselves too hard again." "Neither of us have forgotten what was said, yet I cannot watch the common folk suffer!" Said Ryūko, "We put ourselves in danger all the time, so we started thinking nothing of it. But when so many people close to us were about to be harmed because of that, we finally recalled the feeling of being endangered. That was all terrifying, indeed. We thought we were at death's door when we stood before the opponent. We thought we might concern all in our vicinity and that we were unable to save everyone. It has been clear to me for long, but now the time for him to realise and make up to his heart has come upon us. Now, I shall pass the final part of the speech to you, my dear brother. Speak forth to your heart and let your roar be heard." "I thought about it, made up my mind... And as soon as I made up my mind, I tried to pick up all the pieces. I don't want to give up on my ideals. Because... that's my desire!" While Iruma said that, Kalego noticed both his voice and hands were shaking as the familiar deadpanned before slapping onto the fact it doesn't excuse him from acting on his own. Laughter and warmed hearts surrounded the twins.

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