Chapter XX [The Immovable Princess]

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Occurence: During Previous Chapter

As we recalled last time, Ryūko teleported to get her important paperworks and documents for all work needed in the Magical Apparatus Battler due to her responsibilities as Vice President and having current Battler President on a voluntary leave of absence. There's a lot of work to be done at that point, but there's more than being in such position. Shall we have a peek into a day in the life of hers during the End-of-Terminus at work?

At Babyls Demon School
In The Hallway

Babyls Demon School, six grade levels and 666 total students. In a school where many demons coexist, there is a group of students that maintain order and monitor the other students. The noble yet cruel demon elite Student Council.

However, at the End-of-Terminus, there are some Battlers remaining focused on their activities and choose to continue such. When the Student Council is absent in some moments of time and place, there is only one student you can find who maintains all order of the academy. This is the noble of highest reputation in year one, admired yet feared, young but strong. This student is... Suzuki Ryūko, entitled the Prinzessin der Babyls.

It was straight up morning, and Ryūko caught some students damaging school property through doodles and vandalising. She managed to confiscate their tools and shatter them completely after encasing them in crystals. "President Azazel clearly stated that demons shouldn't do such foolish misdeeds." Said Ryūko giving a bucket with cleaning tools, "Not being bothered to destroy a wall is a weak way to go, yet you choose to make pathethic illustrations on it. Better clean this mess up now before I show no mercy. Do you realise how hard you make the janitors' jobs by making a mess of the academy? Shame on you lowly toilers." Her gaze ever stern amd dark, voice deep and serious. Anyone can tell Ryūko is never messing around- once you anger her, there's no running away. The troublemakers fearfully cleaned up their mess in a jiffy before they ran away and apologised from their punisher. Ryūko made the objects disappear to thin air before she leaves the scene in an elegant catwalk. She was greeted with other students fawning over her great actions of dicipline, speaking of her coolness and befitting of her title complementing the epitome of a demon.

This was all part of her morning rounds. Before classes begin, Ryūko makes her ways of patrol in areas where she knows the Student Council are not monitoring. She does this for diciplinary checks, looking to assist others, and- "Caiman have escaped! Help me!" Huh?! What was that?! The cries of distress has Ryūko hot on her heels as she rushed to the school parks and found the janitors being chased by those Blood-sucking Caimans hunting them down. The cambion flung a lasso of her Arachne silk and the Caimans has nowhere to escape before she brings them back in their cage. "Weren't you fellows supposed to be in here unless it's running for the Student Council?" Asked Ryūko locking the cage before providing some fresh meat for the canivorous creatures, "At least be patient, guys. You'd kill the caretakers if you aren't careful." "Thank you again for saving us, Ryūko-chan!" Said one of the janitors, "We would've been steel ball food if you didn't show up. It all just came around when we were going to clean another part of the garden." "In that case, I shall accompany you for that reason." Said Ryūko. She carried some of the heavy equipment as they went. Even having some conversations on the way before reaching the other side of the lawn. "No other intruding pests today." Said a janitor. "Good grief. Those Caiman aren't as bad as other bigger pests." Said the cambion, "If nothing else, I shall take my leave. Have a good day." With that, Ryūko left the parks and proceeded to the Battler Tower.

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