Chapter 11

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“Fuck!” Once the door to the stairs was shut, I let out of the roar and slammed my fist against the wall. So fucking stupid. It didn’t matter how many times she insisted that it didn’t matter what she saw, I could see the hurt in her eyes. Hurt that I caused. My brain went into overdrive half beating myself up and half saying that she was right, we aren’t together, it shouldn’t matter. Camila was off-limits right now. It didn’t matter that over the last week I have legitimately enjoyed her being part of my life, her future wasn’t here with me and I couldn’t start something with her that could possibly hurt the both of us.

“Who the hell was that, Griffin?” I look up and see a disheveled Ash stepping out of my office. She had tried to fix her hair, but I had made quite the mess of it and there was no hope for her lipstick. 

“None of your business.”

“What are you getting all snippy for? It was just a question. Is that your new girlfriend or something?” She laughs. “Wow, that sucks she just caught you fucking somebody else.”

Her flippant attitude enrages me even more. “Get out of here, Ash.”

“Oh my god, I’m right, aren’t I?” She cackles.

“Who she is, is none of your business. You need to get your shit and leave. We’re done, I’m not letting this happen again.” I storm into my office and grab her purse, tossing it on the desk. She grabs it and slips it over her shoulder.

“You’ve said that before, Griffin, I know you don’t really mean it,” she croons and then I just get really annoyed once again.

“No, I mean it this time. You’re so fucking toxic, Ash. Lose my number or I’m blocking you. If you need to get laid so badly, then ask your fucking fiance to do it.”

“Pssh, you know that you’re a lot better in bed than he is.”

“Then break it off with him and go find another fuck buddy, but this,” I point back and forth between the two of us, “is over. I don’t want to hear about your relationship problems or how bad he makes you feel or how you just need somebody who can get you to cum. I’m not doing it anymore.”

“Whatever, Griffin,” she rolls her eyes and turns on her heels, opening the door to the front office. I followed after her to make sure that she leaves, but she ends up slamming the door in my face. Frustrated, I push the door open and come face to face with my brother, Tate.

“What the fuck was all that yelling about? We could have had customers in here.”

“We didn’t though, did we?” I push past him and stand outside until Ash pulls off. She flips me the bird before pulling out of the driveway, expecting just as much from her current temper tantrum. Tate comes outside after me, continuing his questions.

“What did you do?”

“I really fucked up.”

“Pretty sure we’ve been telling you for years that you’re fucked in the head for still hooking up with her.”

“Not just that, Camila walked in on us.”

“Please tell me that you’re fucking joking.”

I bury my face in my hands, “I really wish I was joking. I didn’t even think about checking the lock on the door and then she knocked and opened it and Ash was all..”

Tate holds his hand up to stop me, “Please don’t continue. I get the point. You’re a fucking idiot.”

“I am. She said that it didn’t matter, that there was nothing between us, but fuck, Tate, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think she really feels that way.”

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