Chapter 12

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“Gruff.” I just barely heard my name being said, but it was enough for my eyes to flutter open. Before I could see clearly, I heard it again, “Gruff, can you wake up?” My eyes clear and I see Anna standing over me. She never comes out of the bedroom in the morning without Camila, so I sit up quickly, concerned that something is wrong.

“Hey, yeah I’m awake, what do you need? Are you okay?”

She nods her head and fidgets her hands, “Do you think that I can watch TV?”

“Oh, um yeah. What time is it?”

“The clock has a six on it. Mommy says that I have to wait until a seven, but I couldn’t sleep anymore and she was up late last night so she might be up at the seven.”

Last night, fuck it all comes back to me. Yesterday was a complete clusterfuck and I’m not even sure my attempt at smoothing things over with Camila did anything to make it better. I gave in and kissed her. On the cheek, not the lips, but my fucking lips still tingle with the feeling of her soft skin. I don’t think anything was solved last night, I might have complicated things a bit more. I wanted to deny my feelings for Camila, but it was getting harder and harder.

Anna was still nervous around me and the fact that she came out here on her own made me feel good. I didn’t want this chance to earn her trust to go wasted, so I grabbed the remote from the side table and handed it to her. I needed to get up for work anyway, so getting up a few minutes early was no big deal.

“Go ahead, kiddo. Do you want me to make you something for breakfast? I just make some toast with peanut butter, but I could pour you a bowl of cereal.”

“Toast and cereal isn’t making breakfast, Gruff, that’s silly.”

“Excuse me?” She giggles at my growly response, “And what exactly is ‘making breakfast?’” I use quotes to mock her statement.

“When Mommy makes breakfast it is waffles and pancakes, sometimes eggs, but I don’t like eggs that much. Do you have any bacon? I really like bacon.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, you get toast or cereal, that’s all I’ve got in me.”

She sighs most adorably before sitting down on the other side of the pullout bed. “Fine, I guess I’ll take some toast if you’ve got it. I want peanut butter AND jelly though.”

I chuckle under my breath as I stand up and get the toast started. While that is toasting, I go to the bathroom and wash my face. I can feel the headache from drinking a bit more than I should have last night. It isn’t bad, I’m sure nothing a cup of coffee won’t fix. Back in the kitchen, I slather her slices of toast with both peanut butter and jelly and cut them into triangles, the superior way to eat toast. I make mine with just peanut butter and take a few bites to get something in my system before hopping in the shower.

“Hey you go, Anna.” I hand her the plate and her eyes light up. “Did I get it right?”

I probably sound pathetic for wanting the acceptance of this child so badly. She holds up one of the triangles and I’m immediately worried that she doesn’t like her toast cut. I’ve heard this before, kids freaking out over the wrong way something is prepared. “How did you know that I love triangles?” She says with shock in her voice.

“I didn’t know, but I always cut in triangles because it is so much better than rectangles.”

“I tell Mommy that all the time and she says that it doesn’t matter.”

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