Chapter 38

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I had a sleepless night last night and I just didn’t think that I was going to be able to go through with this anymore. The kids were still upstairs and I ran downstairs, pushing Gruff’s office door open, and exclaimed, “I think I changed my mind, I don’t think I can do this. I’m going to call the school and withdraw them.” 

His chair spins around and I realize that he was on the phone. He smiles at me and lets out a small laugh, “Hey Jet, Can I call you back? Yeah, she’s freaking out a bit. I’ll let her know. Bye.” Gruff hangs up the phone and walks over to me. My body falls into his and he securely wraps me in his arms and kisses the top of my head.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were on the phone.”

“That’s okay, darling. You and the kids come first, even if it was somebody besides Jet.”

“What were you talking to him about?”

“I sent him the name of that tile you liked and he was going to stop by this place in Phoenix and see if they have it in stock.”

“Oh, babe, he doesn’t need to do that, I’ll find something else.’

“I know, but let’s just see if this place has it, okay?” I nod my head and then take a step back out of his arms, feeling better now. “Now tell me what is going on? Are the kids nervous?”

“Ugh,” I throw my hands up in the air, “that’s the problem Gruff, they’re totally excited.”

“And that’s a problem?” He asks, confused.

“We’ve been together for almost four months and they’ve been through so much and they’re leaving me and the family for basically the first time and they aren’t even worried one bit. Then I’m over here thinking about the million and one things that could go wrong. What if they have a lockdown drill and Anna doesn’t know what to do? What is Nico doesn’t like what’s for lunch? What if….I can’t do this, Gruff.”

Bless this man because even in my crazy rambling, he doesn’t laugh or tell me to calm down, he just pulls me back into his arms and holds me until my breathing returns to normal. “Camila, I cannot imagine how you are feeling right now. Everything you said is a valid concern, but keep in mind the reason they aren’t nervous is that you’ve raised two brave and strong children who’re ready to take on this next step in their lives. That is all because of you.”

“How do you do this?”

“Do what, babe?”

“Just so easily bring me out of a total panic attack.”

“You just need somebody to hear you out and then you’re fine. You’re a great mom, Camila. You have done a wonderful job with the kids. They both visited the school last month, they met their teachers, we sat down with the principal and social worker and discussed their history. They’ve got this and YOU’VE got this.” He punctuates his words with a kiss.

“I love you,” I say as I squeeze him tighter.

“I love you too, beautiful. Go get the kids, I’m going to get the truck started.”

“You’re coming with?”

He looks at me like I have two heads, “You thought I was going to miss today? Hell no, baby, I am going to be right there.”

“Gosh, you’re the best. I’ll go get them.”

Gruff was with me every step of the way and I really appreciated the support. Rather than do the normal drop-off line, we parked and went into the office where the principal was waiting for us. We walked the kids to their classrooms to reintroduce them to their teachers. Nico said he wasn’t nervous, but he held my hand the entire time. I didn’t make a big deal about it. After everything he has been through, I’m just so damn proud of him. 

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