Chapter 26

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“Are you sure you want to do this now? We can go to the hotel and come back tomorrow morning.”

Gruff’s hand rests protectively on my shoulder and I know he means well, but I don’t want to drag this process on any further than we’ve already had to. I want to close this chapter of my life and move on. We flew in this morning and rented a small UHaul truck. Thanks to my lawyer, I was permitted to bring home personal items that were already cleared by the FBI. The house would probably end up being seized, as well as his office in the city, but I didn’t care about any of that stuff.

I mostly just wanted to get clothes and toys for the kids as well as a few family photos. I was also hoping that I’d be able to find some legal documents, but my lawyer said if I couldn’t, she would help me with that. Everything else could be trashed for all I care. This wasn’t our home anymore. Gruff’s small apartment didn’t exactly feel like our home either, but being with him and his family did. The rest would fall into place, I had hope.

“I’m good, Gruff. Just don’t leave my side.” 

He kissed my temple, “I’m never leaving you.”

My lawyer, who I haven’t met face to face until right now, was standing in front of my house, my former house, with one of the agents, I’m assuming from the badge that she was wearing around her neck. Gruff’s grip against my shoulder was a bit tighter as we walked towards the strangers. The butterflies in my stomach were going out of control, this was a lot for my emotional recovery.

“Camila, it is nice to finally meet you.”

“Hi, Sasha. Thank you against for arranging all of this for us.” I shake Sasha’s hand and she does the same with Gruff as he introduces himself. She then introduces us to the agent standing next to her.

“This is Special Agent Molly Rhodes. She has been overseeing the search going on at your residence.”

“Good morning, Ms. Perez. Thank you for making your way here today. I know that you’ve been through a traumatic experience and I hope that this will help provide some closure to you.”

I nod my head, “I’m hoping for that as well. Is there anything I need to stay away from?’

“We’ve already removed all of the computers and safes that were located on the premise. Do you know of any other places where he may have kept secured in a different location?”

“I don’t think so. I honestly didn’t involve myself in a lot of what he was doing. I knew it was illegal, but I just avoided any sort of involvement in it. I wish I could be of more help.”

“Just letting us have access to the house has been very helpful. I’ve asked my guys to clear out for the next couple of hours so you could go through the house. I’ll be around if you have any questions about what you can or can’t take. I do apologize that it is not in the best condition.”

“I don’t care about that. I’m just looking to get some things boxed up and move on. The sooner we can get back on the road, the better.”

Special Agent Rhodes unlocks the front door and the four of us step into the foyer. The house is more than just ‘not the best condition.’ Entire walls have been busted into and the flooring in some areas is pulled up. My hands shake as we walk further into the living room. It is hard to not think of milestones that happened in this room, even though a lot of bad things went on as well. I reach out for Gruff’s hand and he is right there, just like he said he would be.

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