Chapter 33

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“How many more of these do you think we need, Bellamy?” Landry was stretching her fingers after tying off another burlap strip around the mason jars that were going to be used as centerpieces for Bellamy and Maverick’s upcoming wedding. Hattie and Landry both insisted that she do something else, something not so, ‘basic white bitch,’ but Bellamy said she was only planning on getting married once and it would be as basic bitch as she wanted it to be.

“I don’t know, how many do we have so far?” Bellamy asked as she cut more strips was the roll of burlap.

I do a quick count of the jaws on the floor, “We have twenty so far.”

“That’s all!” Hattie groans. “I feel like we’ve been working on this for hours now.

Landry starts laughing, “Yeah, but we got distracted making Bellamy play dress-up with her wedding dress.”

Bellamy sent out a text last night asking us if we’d come over and help her. Apparently, she had ordered completed ones online, but the company sent her an email saying they were in backstock and wouldn’t be in until after the wedding. Wanting her to have the wedding of her dreams, I asked Georgia to watch the kids so I could offer a helping hand. After spending so many years in felt like solitude, it is really nice to have a group of girl friends to who we can lean on and offer support. I know that I’m older than they are, but it doesn’t make me feel weird. They feel like sisters to me.

Right when we got here, Landry and Hattie were begging Bellamy to put on her wedding dress so they could see it. She just had her final fitting for the wedding in two weeks. I was a little surprised to find out that the girls didn’t go with her to pick out the dress, but I guess she wanted to go with just her dad. After being just the two of them until recently when she moved here and met Maverick, it was a nice point of symbolism. The dress did not disappoint though, Bellamy looked stunning and I cannot wait for her wedding.

“I think we’re going to need at least thirty more,” Bellamy said after looking back over her to-do list. 

Hattie and Landry both groaned. I know that they both love her dearly, but I can’t fault them in groaning, my fingers are killing me too. “Hey, Bellamy, why don’t I go run to the store and grab something for us to share for lunch?”

That seemed to get the attention of all three of the women in my presence. “I could kiss you, Camila, I’m so hungry.” Landry said, holding her belly.”

‘What the hell, bitch? Why didn’t you tell me? I would have fed you!” Bellamy replies.

“No offense, Bells, but you’ve been a bit of a drill sergeant today and I thought if we got this done quickly I could go get something to eat. Please don’t be mad at me, I just didn’t want to fight.”

“Ugh,” Bellamy slides down into her chair. “I’m the worse, aren’t I?” The three of us slowly nod causing Bellamy to scrunch up her nose. “Well, shit. Something to eat sounds great, Cams, do you want some money?”

“Nope. It is on me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. I mean, it isn’t my money anyway, it all comes from Gruff’s bank account so that is pretty much just a gift from him.”

Hattie laughs, “If that is the case, pick up double of whatever you were planning on getting and I’ll heat it up for dinner tonight, thanks to my big bro.”

The three of them agreed to take a break while I was at the store. I was afraid if they kept working they’d start fighting again. I love them, but they are really no different than the brothers. The only difference is their fights consist of calling each other bitches and whores rather than trying to throw punches like the guys do.

Hard Brake (Wilkins Brothers Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon