Chapter 35

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Tate’s couch is lumpy and uncomfortable, but it was not the thing to blame for my lack of sleep last night. All I could think about was Camila and how she was doing. I was just hoping that I did the right thing by staying here and giving her time to think. She never replied to my text message, I wouldn’t have missed it because I checked my phone every ten minutes. The only text I did get was about ten minutes ago with Hattie telling me she just picked up the kids. I asked her how Camila was looking and she just gave me a thumbs down and said, “girl code.” As much as I appreciate my sister getting along with Camila, I’m annoyed that she’s taking her side.

I’m just an asshole though.

My truck pulls up in front of Ash’s house, the one that she shares with her fiance. Her house is so fucking flashy that it bothers me. I can’t believe that this was ever something I was into. Even our first place together was way above my price range, but Ash came from money and didn’t want to settle for what my mechanic’s salary could afford. I don’t know why I’m doing this, except it feels like the right choice.

I hit the final step of the front porch when the door opens and Ash stands there with her hands crossed over her chest and a sly smirk on her face. “Well, this is a surprise. I expected a phone call, but certainly not for you to grace me with your presence.”

“Cut the bullshit, Ash.”

“Yikes, somebody is in a bad mood. I guess you spoke to your little girlfriend already.”

“What’s your fucking game plan, Ash? We are not together anymore. We haven’t been for years. Are you pissed off that all of a sudden I’m not around to give you orgasms since your current man couldn’t find a clit if it were labeled?”

“You would think you’re that special, Griffin.”

“Then why?”

“You two aren’t even going to last, Griffin. You think you’re some sort of hero to this story, but you aren’t. You two are waltzing around town like a little family and it stinks so badly of cow manure. The only reason she’s with you is that she needed somebody else to play daddy to her bratty ass kids.”

“Watch yourself, Ash.”

“See! You’re so fucking loyal to those kids you haven’t even known that long, you fell right into her manipulative trap.”

“The only manipulative person right now is you. Even if Camila was just using me to be some dad to her kids, that’s not your fucking business. We may have been in love a long time ago, but those feelings are gone and they aren’t coming back. I admit that it was my mistake that I didn’t just cut you off totally, yeah, that was pretty fucked up of me, but that is all done now.”

“I’m with Camila and you’re with whatever the fuck his name is. If you want to ruin another relationship on your end, you go right ahead. When it comes to my life, you need to back the fuck off. This is not going to end well for you if you keep butting your nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

“That’s an empty threat and we both know it. I’m not doing anything illegal and you’d never raise your hand to a woman.”

“You’re right, I wouldn’t, but if you push a man like me far enough against a wall, I’m going to figure a way out. Don’t test me, Ash. Leave me and my family alone.”

I turn back towards my truck, but not before Ash gets the final word. “You’re only doing this because you’re reliving your childhood of not being able to save your mommy. Once the excitement of your new toy wears off, you’ll chuck her to the side. She’s not your type, Griffin.”

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