Chapter 15

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I didn’t recognize the sound that was waking me, but right away I realized that I wasn’t in bed with Anna. The arms wrapped around me were way too strong and the body I was leaning against was way too large. Gruff groaned and began to sit up, moving me up with him.

“Shit,” he started moving around and finally reached under the cushion that I was sitting on, pulling on his phone and hitting the answer button.

“Yeah?” I couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end of the line, but he jumped to his feet and started pacing. “Are you there yet? Yeah, you’re right. Call me when you know more, we’ll come down.”

The person on the other end talks some more before Gruff replies. “For sure, good luck, Dad. Tell Bellamy that she’s got this.”

Then it all made sense and I found myself getting excited as well. “Bellamy is having the baby, isn’t she?”

He smirks, “Yeah. Maverick said they just got to the hospital and wanted to let us know. I guess she was having small contractions all day yesterday, but she thought they were just regular pains.”

“Probably Braxton-Hicks. I had them a lot towards the end with both pregnancies. So are you going to go down there?”

“Not yet, Mav said the doctors said it could still be a few hours and Bellamy doesn’t want a lot of people around waiting for her. Plus, it’s only,” he takes a look at his phone again, “3:00 am so no need to wake the kids up or anything.”

“We don’t need to wake them up if you are going to be with your family.”

“When I go down there, I’m not going alone. You and the kids are coming with me. Bellamy is smitten with those two.”

“No, Gruff. I mean Bellamy is nice and all, but we hardly know her. She’s having a baby, this is a family thing. 

Gruff pulls me against his body and presses a kiss against my jawline, “I’m not letting you out of my sight, Camila. That means you all are coming and that’s the last we’re going to talk about this, okay?”

My belly swirls with butterflies, based on my past with Miguel, it should raise a bunch of red flags having a man talk to me in the way that he does. Gruff isn’t like Miguel though. He doesn’t want to keep an eye on me because he needs to control me. He is worried about my safety and the safety of my kids. He wants us there because Bellamy and Maverick will always be important people to us.

“Okay, we can go. But right now I think I should probably go back to the bedroom before Anna realizes I’m not there.” I’m a bit hesitant, but I slide my hands up Gruff’s body and urge him down to my level. He kisses me again, the butterflies in my stomach turning into something bigger and stronger. My entire body heats up simply at the feel of his lips anywhere on my body. I’ve never felt this way before and I really hope that it isn’t just one sided.

I crawl into bed next to Anna, making sure to not wake her and I fall back asleep rather quickly, even though my mind is racing a million miles a minute. I keep thinking about the way I felt when I was on his lap, grinding back and forth. It was one of the hottest things that I’ve done in a long time. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had an orgasm. I don’t even do it myself because I was always worried he’d know and get angry. Gruff didn’t even want anything in return, he just wanted me to feel good.

Eventually, I did fall asleep and was awakened by Anna’s gentle nudges against me. “Mommy?”

“Yeah, baby?” I respond in my morning, groggy voice.

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