Chapter 19

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"There's my precious wife."

Miguel's swarmy voice entered the room where I was being held. I didn't know anything else except that he was in here. After being put in the back of one of the cars by Miguel's men, we drove around what felt like hours. I tried to stay awake during the entire thing, taking in every hint that I could. We drove on smooth, paved roads, but also on bumpy dirt roads. The final drive was full of speed bumps so big my head was banging against the floorboard.

Even with the hood on my head, I could tell when the door was opened again. I couldn't see anything though and was taken by surprise when the large hands ripped me from my position and practically dropped me on the ground. The man, I'm assuming it was a man, didn't speak when he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me to my feet. I couldn't keep up at the pace he was walking, which just pissed him off. The entire time we were walking I was just begging to know about Anna and Nico. I didn't care what Miguel did to me as long as my children were safe.

I was put into a room, handcuffed to a chair, and left for what had to be hours. My bladder hurts from being so full, my arm and head hurt from being manhandled. My mind is going a million thoughts a minute, thinking about everything from where I am, to Anna and Nico, and then of course if Jasper is okay. I never wanted anybody to get hurt because I tried to run away. The Wilkins family took us in and treated us as their own and all I gave in return was their youngest son on the side of the road somewhere.

"Where are the kids, Miguel?"

He cackles at my question as he makes his way in circles around me, like a predator circling his prey. "Don't worry, my dear, they're being taken care of. In fact, I was just with them. It is going to take months to correct their behaviors and get them acting decent again."

"What are you doing to them?" I screamed into the void.

"They'll never disrespect me again, Camila. You can bet on that. Nico thinks he's a grown boy," Miguel makes a 'tsking' sound, "I guess we'll find out the truth once I'm done with him."

"I swear to God if you lay a finger on either of them, Miguel!" The back of the chair is pulled back and I fall to the ground, smacking my head again. Miguel's foot lands on my chest, pressing so hard that it takes my breath away.

"Or what, Camila? You're nothing but an ungrateful bitch. I kept you around because my father said it looks good for business to have a respectful woman on your arm, but I have no use for you. You are weak and stupid. You think you could run from me? You could never fully get away."

He pulls the chair upright again and yanks off the hood. It takes my eyes a few blinks to adjust to the lighting situation. There are two bright lamps in the front corners of the room, but no other lighting. The lone window in the corner of the room is open and I can see that it is just past dusk. I've been here for hours now and I'm wondering if Gruff has realized I'm missing yet. He has to know, he would have expected us home and then Jasper didn't bring us home....oh Jasper.

"Why don't you just let us go, Miguel? I'm not even asking for anything else. I don't need your money or the house or anything else. Just let me take Anna and Nico and we'll leave."

"NO!" His answer roars through the entire room. "When will you understand that you belong to me? I don't care if I have to lock you up in the basement, you will never leave me again." The back of his hand connects with my cheek, almost knocking the chair over again. My face burns and I wish I could touch it in an attempt to calm the pain, but I'm still handcuffed to the chair.

"You don't even love me."

"Love doesn't matter, Dear. Life isn't about love, it is about power and control. Do you think I'd just let you go so you can run off to your mechanic lover?"

Hard Brake (Wilkins Brothers Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant