Chapter 37

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“I hate wearing ties,” Nico grumbled under his breath while Camila did the final loop and straightened his tie to fit perfectly. I could see that she was trying to stifle a laugh, but I happened to let mine go and she quickly glared my way to shut me up. I couldn’t blame the kid, I hated every bit of wearing this contraption around my neck, but if it made Bellamy happy and it made Camila happy, I’d do it. Screw Mav, I didn’t care what he thought about my appearance.

“You used to wear a tie to school every day, Nico, I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about it for one night.” She makes an excellent point, but I think that is one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to wear the tie. She made us go shopping together and wanted to buy coordinating outfits. I probably could have put up more of a fight for the sake of my manhood, but once Camila and Anna found matching dresses in a deep burgundy color, I knew we were screwed. 

Not that I minded seeing her in the long sleeve dress with the lace bodice. It drew the attention of the dress to her waist, making her hourglass shape pop even more. The dirty thoughts I had when she walked out of the bathroom twenty minutes ago would be enough to secure my seat in hell. Anna, on the other hand, my sweet girl, her dress was poofy on the bottom and she’s been wearing it for an hour already. She keeps twirling in it, calling herself a princess. Camila even did her make-up, just a touch, and curled her hair into little ringlets. My two girls, too beautiful for words.

“You’re looking good, Nico. I promise when I take off my tie, you can take off yours,” I give him knuckles on his way out of the bedroom and get a small smile out of him. Camila stands up from the bed and smooths down my button-up shirt. “You look so beautiful right now, I can’t handle it.”

“You clean up pretty nicely yourself. I could get used to seeing you in dress clothes.”

I lean forward and kiss her nose, “Don’t count on it, darling. This is a once in a blue moon deal.”

“I guess I’ll take advantage of it while I have it. Where is your tie, by the way? Don’t think that you’re getting away without wearing one.”

I reach into my back pocket and dangle the tie just out of her reach. “For the record, tonight I’m planning on using this tie in a way other than making me look handsome.”

I lower the tie just enough for her to grab it from me. She’s still blushing and trying to not make eye contact with me while she’s wrapping the tie around my neck and making the perfect knot. When she’s done, I slide my hands around her waist and grip her ass, she giggles and looks up at me with a smile on her face. “You’re feeling a bit frisky today, huh?”

“Must be all the romance about today. Here you are, all dressed up and looking fine as hell, we’re going to be listening to stories about love-struck couples and all that shit, what about today wouldn’t make me all frisky?”

“I’m really excited for this and not just because Bellamy is getting married and I get to see you all dressed up.”

“I am too. We should probably start heading out though. My brother would probably murder me if we were late.”

“Don’t be silly, it is going to be your mom who would kill you.”

I kiss her lips, “You are certainly right about that, darling.”

An hour later, we’re sitting in white chairs that are located in an outdoor ceremony site at the resort Mav and Bellamy picked for their wedding. They’re having a good-sized wedding but decided that they didn’t want to do the traditional bride and groom side. Most of the people that would be considered the groom’s side are also people that Bellamy is close with. She has a good amount of out of towners here from her dancing days, ballet, not stripping.

Hard Brake (Wilkins Brothers Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ